Nutrition And Health Concerns Amongst Adults And Children In The United States

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Nutrition and Health Concerns amongst adults and children in the United States

Nutrition and Health Concerns amongst adults and children in the United States


Most of the health concerns are linked with our nutrition. So if our nutritional habits are not good we would be having more risks of having health concerns. The health concerns can be only managed through forming a health plan or program that can help people in bringing awareness. In United States health care services are provided by various organizations. Most of the health care services are provided by private owned businesses and the government is providing health care services to the public sector through its various programs like TRICARE, Medicare and Medicaid. These programs are managing almost 60 to 65% of the people's health expanses through health insurance and taxes that are generated from the public sector. There is a huge number of people under the age of 65 years who are still not insured. This is the main reason that nutrition and health concerns are continuously increasing in the society.

There is a continuous debate over the health care reforms in the United States of America related to the concern questions that are raised by the general public on the basis of efficiency, choice, value, quality, fairness access and right to health care services. Some of the people are still found blaming health care system as they feel that they are not getting equivalent services for the money they spend. Obesity is the growing health concern in the United States of America that is going beyond the control level. Adults, young people and even children are found facing health concerns related to obesity. Obesity is a health condition in which the surplus fat in the body is reached to that level that it can become harmful for an individual. Obesity is behind the major factor behind reduced life expectancy.


Obesity a Growing Health Issue

Obesity is a health concern that is creating immense consequences on health of people. When a human Body Mass Index grows beyond 30 Kg/m2 at a particular stage it directly states that an individual is having obesity. Body Mass Index is a measurement that is obtained through dividing an individual's weight that is in Kg's by square of an individual's height in meters. This growing health concern is mainly dependent on our nutrition (Sobal, 2005).

The amount of fat is consumed in large amounts in United States of America; this is the main reason behind the growing obesity in the region. Cheese made products, carbonated drinks and chocolates are the main causes behind obesity, which is most commonly found in children of USA. Many other diseases like type 2 diabetes, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea and some particular types of cancer can be observed in an individual having obesity. So, it is a chronic disease that can give birth to many other diseases. The lack of physical activities, genetic susceptibility and high intake of rich fat food can give more intensify the foundation of ...
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