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Table of Contents

Child Intelligence3

Nutrient Nutrition5

Breast milk6

Fruits and vegetables6



Nuts and Seeds7

Omega 3 Fatty Acids8

Essential Amino Acids8




Nutrition and Growth10

Recommended Accessories12

Vitamin B complex13

Acetyl L-Carnitine:13



Vitamin B113


Nutrition and Child Intelligence

Child Intelligence

Health is the largest value of human life. The state of health depends on all the things that make our life full and happy: the quality of life, its duration, physical activity, etc. There is a well-founded scientific consensus that a balanced diet the human life span can reach 120 - 150 years. Food provides the body with the energy needed to move and work, is a source of "plastic" materials, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and vitamins and mineral salts, which brings renewal of cells and tissues (Allen, 1994).

Hormones, enzymes and other regulators of metabolic processes in the body also occur through food. The nature and usefulness of food depends on the body's metabolism, the functioning of organs and systems, tissues and cells. With proper nutrition provides a constant internal environment of the human body that is the key to health, physical activity and longevity. It provides full functionality of the immune system, increases body resistance, its ability to resist disease (Allen, 1994). To maintain the normal flow of energy, plastic and catalytic processes food must be complete. Eating a healthy person must meet its physiological needs depending on gender, region of residence, nature of work and other factors. Food should be varied. The diet should include all the food groups compensate for energy loss and the functioning of all organs and body systems.

All parents dream to raise their baby healthy and intelligent man. American scientists on the basis of long-term studies have concluded that the intelligence of the child depends not on the quantity and quality of training, and on the proper-balanced diet (Ash, Tatala & Frongillo, 2003). Participants in the experiment were children from birth to the performance of 32 years. Thanks to good nutrition in early childhood, these children showed better cognitive and intellectual abilities. Scientists believe that fortified food is a marker of children's brain development, intelligence, children received a balanced diet remains high in adult life.

The human being requires various nutrients in sufficient quantity and quality to meet the needs of the organism. A balanced diet that includes food sources of all nutrients ensures optimum physical growth. However, for the fully developed human being, as well as biological nutrition requires another type of nutrition, nutrition, emotional, also required quality and quantity sufficient to develop the individual's emotional intelligence (Ash, Tatala & Frongillo, 2003).

Intelligence called erudition and education rights. Intellectuals are able to create, creation of new knowledge and the unknown. Over 100 years ago scientists established that the foundation for the development of intellectual faculties of man is laid in the period from birth to three years. During this period, the child has the best flexibility of thinking and willing to learn. In the half-year-old brain, child reaches 50% capacity from those possessed by an adult (Ash, Tatala & Frongillo, 2003). Already a three-year development of the brain is 70-80%, ...
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