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The issue of health and longevity has been a major discussion in today's health conscious society. Thus, in recent years, many people have came up with several components that does play a role in health and longevity. With the idea of a healthy diet as the base, there are still numerous non-dietary factors that are crucial in health and longevity. Hence, this essay will first touch on dietary factor as a primary element in health and longevity. Then, it will discuss non-dietary factors, namely, lifestyle, attitude and culture which contributes to the quality and length of life.

Eating a balanced diet means choosing a wide variety of foods and drinks from all the food groups. It also means eating certain things in moderation, namely saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, refined sugar, salt and alcohol. The goal is to take in nutrients you need for health at the recommended levels.

Vitamins Needed

Vitamins are natural substances derived from animals and plants that the body utilizes in order to sustain various bodily functions and stay healthy. A vitamin can be either fat soluble or water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins require the usage of bile acids to facilitate absorption while water soluble vitamins are absorbed easily by the body.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is known for improving vision. It also plays a role in bone growth and enhances cell functions. However, since too much vitamin A intake hinders benefits from vitamin D and raises the likelihood of hip fractures, doctors and researchers recommend eating foods rich in beta-carotene instead. The human body has the ability to transform beta-carotene into vitamin A, but the substance will not counteract other vitamins. 

Vitamin B

There are three types of vitamin B: B6, B12, and folic acid. Vitamin B may potentially play a role in preventing and fighting certain cancers and heart disease, but this correlation has not been fully validated. Folic acid can be found in foods such as beans, fortified grains, and breakfast cereals. However, B6 and B12 are a little more difficult to get from food, so a vitamin supplement may be a good option to consider. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps fight infections, prevents colds and illnesses, and facilitates the development and maintenance of healthy blood vessels, bones, gum, and teeth. Vitamin C is found in bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, and citrus fruits. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in absorbing and retaining phosphorus and calcium, which aids bone development and growth as well as prevents the development and proliferation of cancerous cells. Vitamin D is scarce in natural foods, but can be found in dairy products, tuna, and salmon. 

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that mitigates damage to cells and tissues and improves circulation. Vitamin E is found in avocados, egg yolks, nuts, and peanut butter. While it is extremely rare for one to be vitamin E deficient, over-consumption of it may cause digestive tract issues and nausea. 

Vitamin K

Vitamin K builds and strengthens bones, as well as creates proteins that are required for the normal clotting of ...
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