Nursing Theory

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Nursing Theory

Nursing Theory


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of the author's knowledge by exploring some relevant facts related to the theories of nursing science. The development of nursing science is increasing every day. Practitioners of this science are concerned with providing excellent services in the care of the person; increasing the theoretical level of practical research to achieve leadership in this profession.

This theory is congruent with the professional values and beliefs in the sense that it helps to acquire knowledge to improve the everyday practices through description, explanation, prediction and control of phenomena. The nurses have improved their skills through theoretical application, since the methods were applied consistently; they have higher chances of success. The theory provides the professional autonomy of action, as it serves as a guide for practical, educational and research associated with their professional duties. In addition, the study of this theory helps develop analytical skills, stimulates reasoning, clarifies the values ??and assumptions that apply, and determine the objectives of the practice, education and research in nursing.

A theory is a set of concepts, definitions and propositions that project a systematic vision of a phenomenon, through the design of specific relationships between concepts and with the aim to describe, explain and predict this phenomenon. Although in the literature there are numerous strategies for the development of the theory, the theorist who tries to pose mechanically applying theory building structured knowledge may have limited success. Theory building involves the discovery and creativity. A scientific theory is clearly a creation of the human mind. While it is possible to teach specific skills and content, it is really complex to promote creativity and originality, as well as imagination, development and presentation of theories, which requires personal discipline to work with the idea, to develop and express it in writing so that other may inspect. Work on nursing theories is representative of different theoretical models formalized as philosophies, conceptual frameworks and theories. In the next section, the author will identify and critically evaluate the concept of interpersonal relations from Peplau's theoretical framework of nursing (Schafer, 1999, pp. 129-137). Finally the author will identify one proposition from the theoretical framework and explore its ability to inform author's understanding of nursing as a discipline.

Discussion & Analysis

The theory of Peplau

The theory of interpersonal relations can be used as a landmark in the short-term counselling and as a tool to analyze the therapeutic process. As the therapeutic process between nurse-patient interpersonal develops from strangers to collaborators, the client and the nurse clarify their roles, reach a mutual understanding of customer problems and identify their purposes.

The interpersonal theory of nursing provides the nurse working in short-term individual therapy, a nursing model on which to base their practice. The adaptation and integration of this theory with other provide an adequate framework (Peplau, 1989c, pp. 205-229). The mid-level theories are derived from work of other disciplines related to nursing propose results less abstract and more specific in practice that the great ...
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