Nursing Situation

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Nursing situation

Nursing situation

Phase I: Introduction to the Nursing Situation

The nurse has the sole role is to help sick or healthy individuals, it acts as a member of health team has expertise in both biology and sociology, can evaluate the basic human needs. The person must maintain its balance physiological and emotional, body and mind are inseparable, need help to achieve independence. (Aiken, 2002)

Health is quality of life, is fundamental to human functioning, requires independence and interdependence, promoting health is more important than caring for the sick

Healthy people can control their environment, the nurse should be trained in issues of security, protect the patient from mechanical injury. But if the ratio of the nurse and the patients is very high this could create a very chaotic environment. This not only creates panic for the nurses but also the patients, as nurses won't have the time to look after the patients with care. This the nursing situation on which this paper will talk about, the nursing situation is: The high patient to nurse ratio which creates a very chaotic environment for the nurse to properly care for their patients.

It is very necessary for the ratio of the nurse and patient even, as the relationship between the nurse and the patients is very important and also the high nurse to patient affects the quality of nursing. If the quality of the nursing is to be maintained than the ratio should be kept to minimum. (Clarke, 2001)

This paper will consist of the 3 phases the first phase has already been discussed above with significance of nursing to be followed, the second phase is the literature review phase which analyzes and critique different peer researches and finally the third phase will conclude the topic.

Significance of nursing

The intervention of the nurse lies in providing specific care of the human response to the presence of a problem or disease, surgical procedures currently occupy much of the daily work of nurses, therefore, the professionalization of nursing is essential to provide a specific and effective care based on scientific and humanistic. Applying the concepts of Virginia Henderson is displayed to the person from a holistic perspective, based on 14 needs. This review is a conscious adaptation of the model of Henderson in a surgical procedure in order to preserve, restore or recover health.

Phase II: Literature review

The high- patient ratio may have many adverse affects, if patients do not have the conditions necessary for effective interaction with the environment and the nurses, they are required to propose alternative care through a strong foundation of scientific knowledge and practical skills and a high degree of human sensitivity to properly interpret by evaluating the patient's condition. Nursing can never have a single view of the paradigm of care because, on one hand, has inherited the positivist philosophy of science that studies the nature and phenomena as something a contextual and demonstrable and on the other hand, a philosophy that emphasizes post-positivist perception, thinking studies, support the value of the ...
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