The article selected for critique is the 'temporal lobe epilepsy in children.' The article talks about seizures in young children in detail. The research article selected for the purpose of critique is related to the issue of temporal lobe epilepsy in young children. The selected article talks in detail about the significance of temporal lobe and the consequences it creates for children. Children are assumed to be most sensitive and easily hurt. At the same time, children also possess the greatest ability to recover from their diseases or injuries. The research paper details the epidemiology of the disease. Moreover, the research also talks in detail about the significance of seizures in the children ranging from zero to six plus years. Diagnosis, management, treatments and pathology are also discussed within the research paper. Seizure outcomes are clearly observed in the light of the selected evidences within the research.
Main Points of the Research Study
The main points of the research study are that it talks about the relevant causes and consequences of seizures in young children. However, the research only focuses on the temporal lobe epilepsy which is one of the most prominent reasons of seizures within children ranging from the ages of three to eight. In my opinion, the main points of the research study. The basic point that was observed within the research paper was that temporal lobe epilepsy remains quite uncommon in children as compared to the adults. However, EEG remains one of the most important tools to clearly diagnose the disease. The treatment for children in order to eradicate the frequency and recurrence of seizures were also a significant part of the research (Katherine, Lily, Brian & Elaine, 2012).
Various descriptive statistics were used for the purpose of analyzing the data across the board. Tabulations, means and standard deviations were utilized to explore the frequency and magnitude of variant interest variables. Moreover, Pearson product moment correlation was utilized to analyze the relationship between the seizures and temporal lobe epilepsy. Moreover, Hierarchical linear modeling was also utilized to answer various research questions. Researchers found treatment and management of seizures in young age extremely useful and utilized to achieve the maximum relevant results from the data gathered. It is important to realize that the social class and mental illness are immensely related to each other. Identifying the individual's drift related to the downfall of society which is intergenerational. Moreover, the impact of social mobility is seen higher in the lower classes which results in the higher rates of schizophrenia in the lower social class people within the United States of America. Moreover, the social causation hypothesis also reflects the importance of the distress people faces due to their belongingness to the lower social classes.
Purpose of the Research Study
The purpose of the research study selected was to develop awareness in relation with the temporal lobe epilepsy. The reason for which I have selected the article is that it talks about the frequency and recurrence of ...