Nursing Quality Improvement Of Efficient Pain Management

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Nursing Quality Improvement of Efficient Pain Management

Nursing Quality Improvement of Efficient Pain Management


Nursing quality plays an influential role in health care services. Accurate knowledge of the pain and its management by the nurses influences the desired health effects of the populations. The nursing profession needs to respond immediately and decisively to ensure improvement and safety of the patient in the care (Anonymous, 2003).

The primary objective of the heath care systems is to provide the health services that recover and increase the probability of desired health effects of the populations. Its goal is to improve and enhance the efficiency of quality of the health services. Nursing quality improvement affects the health of the patient in the care. Quick response and diagnosis of a pain and its efficient management improves the quality of nursing (Anonymous, 2003).


Quality initiative methods need to be implemented for the improvement of nursing quality and effective pain management. Proper intervention methods can inflate the probability of significant improvement in the assessment of pain and increase the chances of likelihood of patients.

Challenges for the Nursing Improvement

Nursing homes have been under observation for quality control and improvement for the past two decades. Stringent observation is made by researchers in the pain management. According to the researchers, the pain management needs to be improvised for enhanced and efficient outcomes. Inadequate knowledge and experience have become a reason of concern in the management of pain. Another reason of barrier, towards the improvement of pain management, is the decision making by physicians and nurses (Nurs, 2010) (Board, 2009).

Scarcity of nurses and inadequate resources hinders in the quality improvement approach. The unserious commitments made by the nurses are also a challenge that health services centre faces (Board, 2009).

Lack of leadership and supervision also deviate the commitment and honest approach of the nurses towards the patient and its care. These factors provide hindrance in any quality improvement programs. The health centre needs to put its utmost attention over these issues.

Quality Improvement Initiative

Fall Management program has been initiated in the clinic for quality improvement in nursing and health centre. This program is based on Vanderbilt Falls Reduction program. The purpose of this program is to assay the role of nursing in health care and reduction of falls and injuries in the patients (Taylor, 2009, p.1). Nurses are the best source for this program because it is them who spend most of the time ...