Nursing Professional Practices

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Nursing Professional Practices

Enquiring into Professional Practices

Enquiring into Professional Practices


This paper is principally a critical analysis of two articles, based upon issues in healthcare services. There are four measures, which are needed to be catered in this essay. Both the articles are based upon similar topic, however, have different content and research. First article is named as “The Challenge of Complexity in Healthcare”; whereas; the other article is named as “Complexity, Leadership and Management in Healthcare Organizations”. Both the articles are retrieved from BMJ.

First, I will discuss the article “The Challenge of Complexity in Healthcare”, which is written by Paul E. Plesk and Trisha Greenhalgh. In the second part of this essay, I will elucidate upon “Complexity, Leadership and Management in Healthcare Organizations”, written by Tim Wilson and Paul E. Plesk.

“The Challenge of Complexity in Healthcare”

This article principally elucidates upon the challenges of healthcare in the 21st century. The article is related to the science of complexities, which has provided various approaches to the intellectuals about the techniques to respond to the problems occur in this contemporary era. It believes that, in the run of time, every part operating is the system is dependent upon each other part. For instance Education, research, professional practice, organization and professional development all are inter-related components of a medical professional's life from education to professional career development.

This paper elucidates that in complex adaptive system, every situation, either paradox or predicted, is being catered at equal level; thus, no situation is happier or no situation is more intense than other. However, there are some situations, which are beyond understanding. This approach of complexity actually highlights views, which are against the traditional perspective of the world. However, it is proved to be beneficial in the approaches of clinical care and service organization.

Process of systematic literature review

The article has no particular section of literature review. However, there are around 27 different articles, journals and books are used to fully comply the agenda raised in the paper. All the material used in the paper is cited from authentic literary sources. The authors, Paul E. Plesk and Trisha Greenhalgh, have presented a comprehensive review of the literature in their entire paper (Quaghebeur, T., et al. 2006, pp. 476). One can consider it a comprehensive or pessimistic approach, since the article is mostly comprises of the literary work cited from various sources. However, the authors have not cited any of the work, thus it is quite difficult to locate all the sources used in the essay. But, in the critical analysis, I have managed to locate several of the sources, which are used in the article. And it has found that several of the work authors have used from these sources is quite similar in the concept; it is just that they have paraphrased it in their own manner (Hartman, E. 1996, pp. 614). Despite of it, the authors have also not created any critical analysis of the data, which in incorporated in the article to strongly argue upon the question raised ...
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