Nursing Praxis

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Nursing Praxis

Nursing Praxis


Nursing has been an old profession in the field of medicine. Nursing is very important and they are the people who are responsible for providing first aid to patients when they reach the hospital in an emergency. The relation between patients and nurses should be of care. Nurses are required to take good care of the patients and to look after them till they are admitted to the hospital. Patients should also talk to the nurses politely. They can ask them for any medical help at any point of time. This paper will draw an imagination of a cardiac client and then Nightingale's theory will be applied.

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) is considered to be the founder of modern nursing. She introduced the concept of nursing and taking care of patients. She was greatly influenced by people who provided medical care to the wounded people during the Crimean War. The history of nursing dates back to this war when she was influenced. Nightingale was influenced to such a great extent that she started practicing nursing. She started providing medical care to people who needed it. It was Nightingale who provided respect to the profession of nursing. Before it was seen as a profession where nurses had no training and were incompetent (Cook, 2007). Nurses were portrayed very negatively in the society and it was Nightingale who brought them respect.

Treating Cardiac Patients

Cardiac patients are the ones who are weak and should not be given shocks. They should also not be given false hopes that they will live when they are about to die. This does not mean that the patient is surrounded by negative talks, but they should be asked to stay positive and accep whatever will happen with them.

Chattering Hopes and Advices

When a cardiac patient is admitted in the hospital, it should be made sure that he is not given false hopes. It should be made sure that the relatives and friends of the patient do not give them the hope of living when they are dying or are about to die. This will not help them recover. By saying this, it is not meant that the friends and other attendants of the patient start crying and send negative vibes, but it is meant that the patient should not be given false hopes (Nightingale, 1860). Cardia patients are weak from iside and it should be made sure that the She encouraged that the people around the patient spoke of positive things so that the environment around the patient also becomes positive. The patient should be advised to develop will power to that he can be strong and can ensure that he can fight the disease.

Taking Food

Cardiac patients should be given the proper food and should be provided with food that they are allowed to eat. They have a very limited variety of food that they can eat, and this is the reason that this has been stressed while treating cardiac patients. Nightingale was very particular about the ...
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