Nursing Practise

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Nursing Practise

Nursing Practices

Methodological Approach

Research design

The research design will be descriptive as it is based on the detailed analysis of all the ideas. Qualitative and quantitative approaches are used to determine the main idea of the research whereas; it is more towards the quantitative approach. In order to develop practices and policies that drive desirable behaviour, it is necessary to understand the common experiences of those that have experienced a phenomenon and the assumptions that they hold. The major outcome of the research activity for the nurse eventually putting the knowledge gained to work in the health care delivery.

On the other hand, for the purpose of data gathering and interpretation secondary research has been carried out. The secondary research pillars on the study which have done before as it is used because it polishes the results. Through analysing the data past researches will be discussed in the context of maintaining professional standards to ensure quality care for their clients and caring for self and their peers.

Justification of the Research Approach

Time constraints: shortage of time, as it is less time consuming


Easy to approach

Easier to analyze


The survey for this research would be conducted from 50 nurses working in UK. These participants are chosen on their basis of experience and knowledge, so that they are able to provide sufficient information and data for this research.


Kozier (2008) observed the following about selecting appropriate participants for the study, “the participants are an elusive and ill-defined group, and so participants formed an opportunistic and inclusive sample gained through advertising and snowballing.

Here the sampling strategy is focusing on the professional, issues and transition to practice, dealing with stress, burnout and bullying; Clinical decision making and critical thinking in critical care environments and advanced communication negotiation skills for inter professional relationships in adult mental health practices.

A subject pool of ten study participants would be recruited to participate in the study using purposive sampling and there target will address the effective nursing practice. Research participants would be identified as how nursing personality traits have led them in curing form their condition. The use of snowballing where “informants or participants are asked to recommend others” would be employed to expand the pool of participants as needed to make sure that the data collected from the interviews were sufficiently saturated with the essence of the phenomenon to provide a thickly descriptive narrative.

The study participants will be pre-screened for finding out that they meet up the criteria found in the literature.

Data Collection Process

The questionnaire was primarily targeted for the company managers and other staff of the company, who can furnish the most elaborated and accurate information regarding the company and can lead to the return of their strategy of price from their customers. The collected data was entered on paper from the information that was given by the consumers, which was exclusively for the purpose of the research only. Agreements from the respondents were obtained before we had utilized the provided data for ...
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