Nursing Plan

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Nursing Plan for the Case Study

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Nursing Plan for the Case Study

Thesis Statement

The nursing health care plan of the elderly patient in the given case study should primarily focus on formulating a long-term program for treating dementia and also on preparing a healthy diet plan on priority basis.


The fundamental principle of assessment, looking after and other different aspects of caring for an elderly patient are not necessarily different in the physically as opposed to the any mentally ill person. A number of elderly patients are most likely to be suffering from multiple disorders or diseases which can possibly generate a number of particular and general kinds of nursing problems. A number of different kinds of patients are generally admitted to a hospital or may be any nursing care unit for the sake of getting a complete medical, psychiatric and even behavioral work-up, which are intended to recognize their problems with accuracy. Similarly, in the same way elderly patients are also admitted to hospitals or nursing care units for the purposes of evaluation, rehabilitation or even for long-stay care.


The given case study of Mrs. Arhcer is very important due to two reasons because not only Mrs. Arhcer needs prompt arrangements for treatment and care as a patient of dementia but there also has to be a complete management plan to make sure that her urinary tract infection is cured and frail health conditions are improved. Keeping her old age and weak health condition into consideration, her nursing health care plan should take care of dementia which is at its early stages and there should more focused on formulating a healthy diet plan on priority basis. The reason why the traces of dementia in its early stages should be treated on priority basis is because the chronic disorder called dementia in elderly people is a scary phenomenon.

Some of the common features that are always present in an individual suffering from dementia, whilst the level of regularity and number of these differ from one person to another, their presence guides nurse and health care professionals to make their full assessment programs a diagnosis of the condition. Dementia is basically a technical term which is used for senility and is a progressive deterioration of neural functioning associated with memory impairment, reduction in intellectual capabilities, problems while thinking abstractly, poor judgment and sometimes even changes in personality. This is the reason why to become a patient of dementia is not any kind of normal part of the process of aging but in fact is an abnormal experience. However, it is also important to note that dementia generally rises gradually with the growing age and so it is extremely important to start looking after the disorder thoroughly when it is in its initial stages. On an average, dementia affects at least 6% to 8% of elderly people age 65 and older. Generally rates climbs sharply with age from less tha1% in the 60 to 64 age group to around 30% for people 85 ...
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