Nursing Philosophy

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Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Philosophy


Nursing is the practice of synthesizing several various dimensions of care for creating an environment that is conducive to promotion and maintenance of health (Nightingale, 1992). Where, a nurse can start this process of care by demonstrating a sound understanding of the nursing field and the personal beliefs of nursing. The coat of arms in nursing is the qualities of care I believe a nurse is ought to provide in her care, and that includes the healing, cooperation, strength, hope, determination, and passion.


After I completed my high school, my science subjects really inculcated in me a sense of helping others. I have always been a person who helped others and therefore wanted to do pursue my passion on a higher level by becoming a nurse. Not only has this but there are several other factors that helped me to opt for this particular field. First and foremost was the shortages of nursing staff in the healthcare. As I was studying science subjects, this was the hot topic that I studied about too and from this time I decided to join nursing. Nurses and their shortages has become a grown up problem. Every day more and more nurses are required with the increase in patients in the hospitals. This has now become a global issue and will thus have an adverse impact on the health care systems worldwide. Today shortages vary by type of nurse, geographic location, level of care, sector service and organization. According to the research it has been seen that baccalaureate prepared nurses are much more prepared and ready to take these job opportunities. It is not because it suits them best but it is because it gives them leadership skills and roles that they always wanted. Not only has this but the baccalaureate program shows and enhances a commitment towards this particular profession which is not provided by any other job. It further reveals the commitment of en employer towards it's profession and is more inclined towards it. As stated Cynthia O'Neal (2004), "In the current context of health care, graduate nurses must be prepared to use the leadership skills essential to manage and coordinate care teams."

According to my opinion, the core of nursing is 'caring', that is, caring about individuals in all sizes, shapes, conditions, and representing that care in a manner that promotes health in every dimensions of health. Nursing actions focus on the person been cared for, and the blend of art and science of nursing. Nursing is a profession that consists of specialized bodies of knowledge and skills to care for a patient both in health and sickness and in different practice settings and the knowledge to perform my task well. This knowledge includes my understanding of the nursing process and procedures as well as other practical issues for me to perform my job. This knowledge is only part of the important requirements for nursing. Nursing also involves using skilled application of the different bodies of knowledge to assist patients in ...
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