Nursing Management

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Nursing Management

Nursing Management

Nursing Management


The research focuses on identifying and examining factors of night shift change handover practices that enhance continuity of patient care. The research reviews a decent amount of literature to properly identify factors and issues involved in the management of such factors, and how the process can be done smoothly (Nurse, 2008, pp. 48). Continuity and consistency in nursing care will rely on effective transfer of information between nurses at shift change. This shift handover is an important part of the communication process because it offers focus and direction to those who are about to begin their duties and are liable to patient safety. It is also seen to provide opportunity for education, emotional support and social interaction (Tanja, 2010, pp. 44).

Problem Statement

Nursing handovers have been criticized for many reasons. Handovers can be time consuming, which may remove nurses from important patient care and can be costly when the salaries of all participants are considered. As much as 10% of the information shared can be irrelevant to patient care. Further time can be lost when handovers are of poor quality, to the extent that some RNs have to subsequently obtain accurate information. Handover is commonly descriptive and backward looking, stating what occurred during the past shift, rather than forward looking to assist the oncoming shift (Pascale, 2011, pp.52).

Objective of the study

The purpose of this research is to develop the theoretical understanding and the examining of the factors of night shift change handover practices that enhance continuity of patient care.

Aim of the Study

The aim of the study is to critically appraise literature that identifies different styles of nursing handover processes and their implications to continuity of patient care. Additionally it aims to identify the type of handover model that best applies to the present ward of practice in giving continuity of patient care.

Research Question

Following are the research questions, which will be answered in this research paper.

What are the factors that Impact on How Staff Nurses Integrate Effectively in Practice Setting?

How the role of nursing is practiced with the management of medication?

Literature Review

Shift work is being done permanently or frequently mind outside regular working hours during the day. In effect, this type of work can be done continuously at night, permanently in the afternoon or with varying hours. Each type of shift has advantages and disadvantages associated with different effects on the welfare, health, social life and the yield labor movement. In traditional systems of slow rotations, the rotate weekly shifts, that is, a week of work follows a weekly night shift work later, and conation, a morning shift (Laura, 2010, pp. 89).

The human being is a being basically diurnal, that is, its organization and mechanism is essentially "programmed" to work solace and rest day and night. There are mechanisms internal that control the physiologic logy and biochemistry of the body to fit the cycle 24 hours. These cycles are called circadian rhythms. The perturbation approval of circadian variations of physiological functioning produced by the need to stay awake and biologically abnormal working hours, ...
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