Nursing Interventions For Alzheimer Diseases

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Nursing Interventions for Alzheimer diseases

Nursing Interventions for Alzheimer diseases


Alzheimer is a fatal brain disease that results in loss of memory, cognitive loss and behavioral problems in an individual. There are several disorders related to the brain that are faced by the patients which includes control over the thoughts, memory and language. Alzheimer leads to deterioration of memory and reasoning capabilities of an individual. The most common type of Alzheimer is dementia that is found among the older people. It is a progressive disease and is devastating for the patient and its family members. Thus different kinds of nursing interventions have helped in making patients feel comfortable, ease of providing them care and it has also helped in enabling the patients to become independent in their lives. Therefore three specific nursing interventions will be analyzed that are used to take care of the older people with Alzheimer diseases. The report will also be able to analyze the health assessment after implementing the interventions and it will identify or recommend the skills that should be used by nurses in order to provide better healthcare facilities to the older people of the society.


According to Gloria and Joane, (1985) Alzheimer is a diseases lead to different disorders in the nervous system of an individual. The diseases are most commonly found in the elder and older members of the society. According to an estimate around 3 million people in UK having an age of more than 65 are affected by the disease. It has been estimated that this diseases will increase by double percentage in every five years and after the age of 85 it will affect half of the population of the country. Alzheimer increases with the age of an individual and is a part of his or her increasing age. There are number of causes due to which this disease occurs: 1) deficiency of chemicals, 2) genetic inheritance, 3) poor body immune system, 4) a slow acting virus and 5) defects in the flow blood in the blood vessels. In order to overcome these diseases there are several interventions that nursing care have adopted. The three specific interventions are: 1) use of medication management of Rivastigmine, 2) personal care provided by the nurses and 3) use of MMSE assessment tool. (

According to Onor (et al., 2007) nursing intervention that is used to control the Alzheimer in older people is through using medication of Rivastigmine that leads to improvement in the cognitive function of the individual. The nursing intervention through medication is able to control the primary indicators of Alzheimer in the older people of the society. The medication intervention used by nurses is able to assess the health of the patient as a score of 0-70 has been designed that shows that higher the score the higher are the alternations resulting in improving the cognitive function of the older people in terms of their memory, language, orientation and execution of the functions.

According to another research by Edwards (et ...