Nursing Ethics

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Nursing Ethics

Nursing Ethics

Do Not Resuscitate

What should the nurse do?

The nurse must give some kind of medicine to make Patient Smith sleep or go away with the pain (

Has the patient revoked her living will and DNR order?

No, the patient has not revoked her living will and DNR order. The DNR order is written and remains intact.

Should the nurse follow the daughter's orders?

The family consent and participation in decision making of DNR is important. Therefore, the nurse must follow the daughter's orders.

If the daughter is the health care agent, can she determine what should be done?

With the guidance and suggestions of DNR decision, the patient and the family comes into a mutual final decision which is written in the medical records and remains valid. Even if the daughter is the health care agent, she is unable to determine what must be done.

What are the potential areas of liability for the nurse? For the facility?

The potential areas of liability for the nurse are to follow the medical written legalizations. For the faculty, the potential areas of liability are to treat Mrs. Smith the way she wanted whether it's DNR or not.

Who can sue the nurse? Why?

The family and the medical management can sue the nurse for going against the orders because the nurse is oblige to follow the written DNR order for Mrs. Smith.

What type of law applies to this situation?

Patient Self-Determination Act applies to this situation. Do-Not-Resuscitate Law is also provided by the hospitals with the development of State Health Department (

How can an individual revoke a living will and DNR according to your state laws?

Within the life of the patient, the patient can revoke the DNR order any time the patient wants. He can share it with ...
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