The patient at bed no. 4 with a tracheostomy would be assessed first for rate and depth of respiration and patency of the airway to eliminate any respiration stress. The patient will be assessed first because it is necessary to perform the suction of the patient after every half an hour in the circumstances of tracheostomy. It is necessary to remove the trachy tube of the patient. Ignorance in the evaluation of the patient can also lead to haemorrhage which can also be fatal (Onakoya, Nwaorgu & Adebusoye, 2003).
The patient of bed 5 will be given second priority because the patients suffering from haematemesis and melaena require continuous evaluation and management of shock. The examination of the patient is necessary because it can help in identifying the major and minor signs of anxiety and uneasiness of the patient. The vomit of the patients can also lead to pulmonary aspiration and his endotracheal intubation can be expected. It is also necessary for the patient to stay conscious because the lack of alertness can lead to aspiration (Smith, Fox, Saunder & Kon Yii, 2010).
The patient of bed 6 can be considered as third in the list of priorities because he has the dextrose infusion running and an insulin infusion running which can be reviewed and checked after short intervals of time. According to research, it is required to check the insulin infusion with the monitoring from point of care and private protocol is also needed so that the risks of hypoglycaemia can be avoided (Jacubi et al., 2012). In type 2 diabetics insulin is produced in the body but it cannot be properly used by the body. The condition of diabetics produces high levels of glucose in the blood due to which the nerves can damaged and it can also damage the blood vessels of heart, kidneys and eyes (WebMD, 2013). The patient of Bed 3 is on Pantoprazole infusion, and he has recently recovered from haematemesis of peptic ulcer disease. The patient should be given the fourth priority. It is necessary to check the proper infusion of the patient, and he should also be monitored after every one or two hours. It is also necessary to have a check up of the hemoglobin level of the patient so that blood transfusion can also be given on time (Perng et al., 2010). Pantoprazole is a proton pump inhibitor and it is used for the treatment of ulcers and esophagitis. The metabolism of the drug takes place in liver and its half life is calculated as 2.8 hours (Huber et al., 1996). The patient of bed 1 should be given the fifth priority because she is suffering from fever with a febrile illness. The patient is also given the least priority than the other four patients because the period of febrile seizures is short and any broad work up and treatment is not needed. The patient can also be having the abdominal pain due to ...