Nursing Diagnoses (Wellness, Risk, And Actual)

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Nursing Diagnoses (Wellness, Risk, and Actual)

Nursing Diagnoses (Wellness, Risk, and Actual)


How would you assess the Health sector system in our country.

Is the private health sector in Nigeria better off to our government hospitals?

According to the World Bank, Nigeria's public financing of the social services at 0.3 per cent of GNP is lower in real per capita terms, compared with the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Despite the long-standing realization and need of an affordable contributory financing for health care, there has been slow movement towards the implementation of a national health insurance scheme?

What are the challenges being faced in the Health sector today.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

In the assessment phase ,data were collected from a variety of sources,validated,and sorted into clusters.The date base is continually revised to include changes in the client's physical and emotional status,as well as the results of laboratory and diagnostic tests .During this step ,the nurse using knowledge and experience analyzes and interprets or draws conclusion from the data clusters (Hair, 1967).

The analysis involves recognizing patterns and trends, comparing this patterns will normal health patterns , and drawing conclusions about the client's response. When looking for patterns or trends in the data,the nurse examines the clusters in the database.When a relationship among this patterns is identified,a list of client-cencentered problems or needs begins to emerge.The nurse may group together these clusters and patterns .This grouping consists of dedefining characteristics.Defing characteristics are the clinical criteria that support (validate) the presence of the diagnostic category . Clinical criteria are objective or subjective signs and symptoms, clusters of signs and symptoms , or risk factors . Multiple defining characteristics resulting from assessment data supports the nursing diagnosis (Adekunle, 2005). The presence of one sign or symptom does not support the nursing diagnostic label .Instead, the clustering of multiple definig characteristics supports the diagnosis. Absence of these characteristics suggests that the diagnosis should be rejected.Diagnostic categories and their definig characteristics provide structure for the cognitive process in the identification of client's needs and actual formulation of the nursing diagnoses.

Identification of patterns is perhaps demonsrated thtough the following example.Gray hair does not necessarily indicate that a person is an old adult .However , if gray hair is clustered with wrinklked skin, age spots, and slowed gait, then these characteristics probably indicate that the person is an old adult (Adeleke, 2007).

The identified pattern is compared with normal health standards .The nurse uses widely accepted norms , such as normal laboratory and diagnostic test values,and professional knowledge as the basis for comparison and judgment. When comparing the patterns, the nurse decides whether the grouped signs and symptoms are normal and within healthful standards .Defanning characteristics that are beyond healthful norms form the basis for problem identification (Trafford, 1994).


Question 1

The delivery of health care in the health system involves three actions: System Inputs, Health Production, and System Output. System inputs include facilities, personnel, equipment and supplies that are required for health production by health providers who offer health services as System output to ...