Nursing Care

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Nursing Care - Critical Analysis

[Writer's initials]


Table of Content



Nursing Process3

Acute and Chronic Pain4

Access and Manage Pain Is Important4


Patient profile7

Disease Evaluation8

Pathpsychology (Peripheral Vascular Disease)10

The Causes of Peripheral Vascular Disease11

Risk Factors11

Symptoms of Peripheral Vascular Disease12

Diagnosis of Peripheral Vascular Disease13

Types of Models14

Models Naturalists14

Models of Substitution or Help14

Models of Interaction14


Anamnesis Morbe16

Anamnesis Vitae17

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)18

What is the cause of COPD?18


Method of Administration20

Initial Dose21

What is an assessment of care?22

Nursing Diagnosis25

Planning/ Implementation26



Evidence Based Practice34

Nursing Care - Critical Analysis


Nursing has been a noble profession for many years now. People used to nurse from the day when men did not have much knowledge from the local remedies, leaves and shrubs which usually cured them and eventually gave them enough knowledge about what to use and what not to. With the development of mankind and understanding, people came to know much about curing themselves. People, at first, were stereotyped about nursing and did not consider it as a noble and wise profession, but with the passage of time, big names in the field of nursing emerged and changed the way we looked back then. It takes many sleepless nights and much devotion to be a Nurse. The essay focuses on a patient and how to cure the disease which had occurred to the patient, which shall be discussed and elaborated later. The essay also focuses on the theories/ models, pain management and nursing process which consists with assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementatuin and evaluation.


Nursing is caring for the health of human beings. It may also receive the name the office which, based on this science, is devoted primarily to the diagnosis and treatment of health problems or potential. Nurse's unique approach focuses on the study of the response of the individual or group to a health problem or potential, and, from another perspective, in addition to or substitution of the need of every human being to take care of yourself from the views bio psychosocial and holistic (Concise Oxford Dictionary, 1999). Critical thinking nursing is based on the foundation of questions and challenges facing a complex situation and how to deal with this situation.

Nursing Process

Nursing Process is a systematic method of providing efficient care humanists focused on achieving expected results, based on a scientific model performed by a nurse. Method is a systematic and organized to manage individualized care, according to the basic approach that each person or group of them responds differently to an actual or potential impairment of health. It was at first a tailored form of problem solving, and is explained as a deductive theory itself (Queensland Nursing Council, 1998).

The nursing procedure means methods intellectual or factual in which the nurse delivers nursing. These methods are based on models of nursing today.

Reasoning uses intellectual approach problem solving in class and deductive theories. He uses the OODA loop (that is to say, the decision path: Observation, Orientation, Decision and Action). The nursing process is also called clinical reasoning nurse or nursing process.

Patients with disease like myeloma, leukaemia, gangrene, blood cancer have acute pain experience and are related to ...
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