Nursing Care

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The Effects of Proper Nursing Care in Geriatric Patients


This paper analyzed the effects of nursing intervention on the elderly stroke patients in geriatric ward and in the community. It showed that how the nursing intervention can improve the outcomes of therapy in stroke patients .It showed the complete analysis of factors related to the therapy such as medications, the timing, dosage, and dietary recommendations. The study provides an awareness of nursing care in geriatric patients to health care providers and to the public as well.

The Effects of Proper Nursing Care in Geriatric Patients


There has been a significant reduction of hospital stay in geriatric stroke patients. Most of patients shifted to the homes are over 60 yrs of age. Patients when return to their community they have complex health conditions and disabilities (Williams, 2002). They use multiple medicines and it is difficult for the patients to manage their health and self-care. Proper health care and medications are essential for successful therapy. In these cases, nurses can play an effective role by practicing a caring style that promotes physical and mental wellness (Edwards & Chapman, 2004). The nursing intervention improves the health behavior of 80% of patients (Nir & Weisel-Eichler, 2006).

The Aim of Study

The aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of nursing intervention on the elderly stroke patients in geriatric ward and in the community. It analyzes the problems faced by the elderly patients after they are affected by stroke and the factors that affect their therapy outcomes. . This analysis will focus on two primary articles of review with support from supplemental literature.

Literature Review

Most of these patients take multiple long-term medication therapies. Use of multiple medications can cause drug dosage errors, drug interactions, non-compliance and increased side effects (Murray & Callahan, 2003). Inability to understand the doctor's prescription is also a major cause of non-compliance. Impaired sight or memory and hearing loss can decrease the geriatric patient's ability to take proper medications. Due to these reasons, there is 25 to 50% rate of medication errors in the older patients living in their homes (Kaufman, 2002). Side effects of the drugs are also increased in the aged population due to low tolerance of medicines, as elderly patients do not recognize these medicines. For example, if they take anticoagulants, the patient does not know how to monitor the sources of bleeding and the method to prevent bleeding. In these cases, proper support is required by these kinds of patients. The intervention can improve the medication use behaviors, and dietary regimen (Nir, Zolotogorsky & Sugarman, 2004).

These patients require specific dietary regimen to manage their condition and to prevent further strokes. According to many studies, inability to adhere to medication and dietary regimen can cause delay in recovery and can increase the morbidity and mortality in geriatric stroke patients (Van Eijken, 2003). Nurses can do emergency nursing techniques if needed. They can closely monitor and report neuro-vital signs to the ...
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