Nursing Assessment Plan

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Nursing Assessment Plan

Nursing Assessment Plan

Purpose of the Paper

The following paper is basically about the case scenario in which a patient named Alfred facing a left sided stroke. Therefore, the main motive behind the paper is to highlight one of the problems associated with the stroke patient and in this regard, the problem identified with the stroke is the communication problem face by the patients who attacked by a stroke. The essay further elaborates the understanding regarding the insight of the dignified and respectful care of the patient because the identified problem of communication between the patient and the nursing staff. Normally, the stroke attacks the individuals in the older age that is why, at that part of age dignity in care and especially in terms of the communication is very much critical because facing difficulty in communication could lead to further problems in the patient. Similarly, the circumstances of the communication problem identified in the paper and also the role of the medical staff, especially the nurses' role is critical. An appropriate plan is derived for the nurses through whom they could overcome the communication problem of the patients in the best possible manner. As the identified problem is the linked with the stroke, which is probably the one of the most serious disease in the older age causing death in the older age. That is the reason, a special emphasis is given to rehabilitation of the patients from the stroke attack and in that process, again, the role of nurses is very much important because at that duration, the patient is kept under supervision of the professional medical team. Communication rehabilitation of the patient facing a stroke attack is a tough task because the body is not able to respond properly, reason behind that the flow of the blood towards the brain is interrupted.


Stroke is a disease that mainly affects the brain because it is directly related to the arteries that supply blood to the brain, which primarily provides oxygen for normal functioning. Normally, the stroke is classified into two types, i.e., the ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke, these two types of stroke comes under the cerebrovascular cadent. The ischemic is produced by obstruction or blockage of an artery and bleeding by the rupture of an artery. The general definition of stroke can be termed with Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA). It is a vascular brain disease that affects the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain (Stroke, 2011, pp. 3-5). Stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries blood to the brain bursts or is clogged by a blood clot or other particle. Due to this breakdown, locking part fails to supply blood to the brain. The consequence of this is that the nerve cells of the affected area of brain do not receive oxygen and therefore cannot function properly and eventually in the worst scenarios, the sufferer dies after a few minutes.

In the case study, Mr. Smith encountered with the facial weakness where his ...
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