Nursing Assessment

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Nursing Assessment




Role of Genetics and Genetic Disorders on Families and Societies2

Genetic and Environmental Effects on the Population Nutritional Status and Activity Level3

The Objectives of Healthy People 20204

The Ethical Considerations In Genetic Counseling and Family Health Promotion5


Significance to Access Health Care in a Population6

The Importance of Social Policy in the Nursing Care7

The Role of Socioeconomic Status (poverty, homelessness) has on the Health Status of the Family and Society8

The Nurse's Role in improving the Health Status of Families from Diverse Ethnic and Socioeconomic Backgrounds8


Nursing Assessment


The genetics incorporates significant part in the progress on disorder in the family due to genetic variations. This also has an overall impact on the stabilization of a healthier society. The prevalence of the genetically influence diseases i.e. obesity, diabetes, hypertension etc. in the families and among societies persuade by several factors. These factors include high calorie processed food, lack of physical activity, obesogenic environment, alcoholism, slow metabolism, smoking etc (“Behavior, 2013).



Role of Genetics and Genetic Disorders on Families and Societies

The current and past studies have significantly established the association between the genes and the disease prevalence in the family. There are more than 22 genes up till now have been identifies to trigger the disease abnormal conditions in human body. These take account of proinfalmmatory cytokines, uncoupling proteins and melanocortin leptin pathway (“Behavior, environment, and genetic factors all have a role in causing people to be overweight and obese”, 2013). The obesity is described by the incompatible relation between the “energy thrift genes” and the social surrounding and the environment. According to the “thrifty gene hypothesis” the ancestry genes are confronted by the environment in which diet is abundant time around (Walley.A.J, Blakemore A. I. F, & Froguel P., 2006) (“Behavior, 2013).

The genes found associated with the obesity include “the glutamic acid decarboxylase gene (GAD2), visfatin, ghrelin receptor obestatin”. The genes and the health risk associated with the obesity involve the risk of metabolic syndrome and T2D transformed by fat resultant cytokines including anti inflammatory adiponectin. Similarly, the diabetes is influence by the environmental as well as genetic factors. The current studies have shown that more than 20 genes have been identified in genetic vulnerability to type 1 and 2 diabetes. The HLA region of 6 chromosomes has found to be associated with the diabetes development in the family. Most common found associated include HLA-DR, DP, DQ. The disease susceptible genes are identified through patients at risk genomes (Barroso et al., 2003; Stumvoll, 2004). They are involved in the insulin glucose metabolism, Beta cell pancreatic function, and pother metabolic factors that trigger T2D. The overall health in the society can improve through the genetic counseling involving the family to improve their genetic tendency control over disease and option discussion related to management of disease through reduction in the family anxiety (“Early Childhood Care and Education”, 2007).

Genetic and Environmental Effects on the Population Nutritional Status and Activity Level (“Early Childhood Care and Education”, ...
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