Nursing As A Profession

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Nursing as a profession

Nursing as a profession


This short essay describes the concept of 'profession' and the attributes that are linked with it. These include career paths, field knowledge and what is the meaning of being professional of that particular field. Nursing is one of the most respectable and recognized professions in Australia and around the globe. The different traits of nursing that make it a profession is discussed in details (Dingwall, R., 2011). Discussion

The word 'Profession' is taken from a Latin word 'profiteor' having the meaning of 'to profess'. Other meaning of profession includes taking oath for doing a particular work in an honest and sincere way. According to these definitions, a professional individual is a person who claims him to have the knowledge of some special thing and is committed to follow a certain code of conduct regarding this skill (Keogh, J., 2008).

Characteristics of Nursing

Nurses need empathy for th suffering of others s that they can give proper care to patients who are going through physical and emotional pain and stress. They must have a very good temperament under pressure and emergency conditions so that they can execute their tasks with ease and perfection. They must have very good communication skills so that they can understand and listen the patient and the cocern raised by him or her. Additonally, hey must have the capability to get and understand the instructions given by doctors and send them to the medical and non medical concerned individuals. They need to have a very sharp and critical thinking ability so that they can take the decisions on the spot regarding the health of the patients. The nursig staff also needs to b very well organized as to deal with the needs and requirements of the number of patients (Polit, ...
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