Nursing And Change

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Nursing and Change

Nursing and Change


Control of power has a perception of having a high degree of stability, objectivity and rationality. These properties are thought to be lacking and unnecessary in females. Nurses, in past and in current era, have always understood the requirement of 'being political' in their fields. The current scenario like recession, private health care system, globalization, poverty and environmental destruction has paved way for the nurses in the political stage (LEAP Project, 2010).


The political action refers to consistency of public action. It leads to the formation of public policies. To change the affect of policy outcomes, nurses are required to participate in politics. The reason why nurses are important in the political activities is because they have a respectful and trustworthy position. They have the duty and job for the promotion of others' welfare. They work for the health promotion in a disciplined and professional manner. Generally, nurses do not participate in the political issues which directly affect their promotion. They find the public policy a complex issue because they lack the knowledge of legislative process. Their main focus is on the clinical care and avoids large issues because of two main reasons. First due to overload of work and second due to the lack of understanding on how to create an impact on public policy (McDonald, 2004).


The political activity is one of the ways where the nurses can care for individuals and communities. Nurses have a very pivotal role to bring the changes in the political arena and the community. It is a necessary requirement of the community to have nurses to participate actively in the changing of public policy via political commitment. If nurses do not participate, they would lack power to make their own future. Health care will suffer from lack of ...
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