Nursing Adults

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Nursing Adults in the Community Setting Module Guide 2012


The community health settings address the needs and care requirements of the people in the communities so as to develop the healthy community systems. This report has discussed the nursing and health care needs of a female individual in the community who is suffering from diabetic leg ulcer. The patient also has the past medical history of pressure ulcer in her sacrum and her case has been discussed taking Maslow hierarchy of needs as reference for assessment and evaluation. The community that is selected is the Syston Health Centre Which is in the district of Charnwood, Leicestershire. The Roper, Logan and Tierney (2008) model of nursing has been used to evaluate the patient holistically. Along with this model, the combination of some different nursing assessments tools have been used to identify the health needs of the patient. The health care situation of the community is also highlighted by analysing the demography and epidemiology of the chosen area.

Aim of the Study3



Confidentiality and Consent4

Community definitions4

Patient Profile5

Community Profile5

Community Nurses6

General physician6


Home care6



Ethnicity and Work9

Analysis of statistics10


Patient Assessment12

Assessment of Needs12

Leg ulcer management12

Wound management13

Falls management14





Nursing Adults in the Community Setting Module Guide 2012

Aim of the Study

This paper has provided with a study that was conducted in Syston medical centre. The patient that has been focused is a diabetic leg ulcer patient, with a history of ulcer in sacrum. The basic aim of the study is to assess the patient's health condition and take necessary steps to improve the current quality of life. The induction of Maslow hierarchy of need has been utilized in the paper. The study has taken the Doppler's assessment, and Logan and Tierney Models


The people in the communities play an important role in the development and the success of the communities. The health of the people is of significant important for all the communities. It is essential to assess the community health care needs and requirements so as to ensure the development of healthy communities. This report aims at making the critical analysis of the health care situation and the needs of a female individual within Syston health centre. In order to assess the health care needs of the patient, the status of the community will also be analyzed so as to know that whether the selected community is wealthy or deprived. In addition to this, the data regarding the demographic and epidemiology of the community will also be analyzed to develop the link with that of the health aspect of the community. In order to critically assess the health care and nursing needs of the selected female diabetic leg ulcer patient, the Roper, Logan and Tierney (2008) model of nursing will be utilized. Also some of the legislations will be mentioned all through the report so as to provide reference that certain laws govern the society.


Confidentiality and Consent

Prior to conducting of research and the development of report, it is the responsibility to attain the consent of the ...
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