Nursing Admission Essay

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Nursing Admission Essay


Nursing Admission Essay

Life is full of many challenges that are difficult to overcome. I am so proud to be able to admit that I have succeeded in my life in accomplishing some of them. As a student in high school, I was faced with the surmounting task of picking a career. Through several subject introductions over a four year period, I was able to select my passion: medical science. True this was an early part of my academic career, but through each circulatory, respiratory, and nervous system, I realized that science is for me.

As soon as I graduated from high school, I tried to find a job that would fulfill my needs. With the help of my family and friends, I found a temporary job during the summer to help out community centers. It is here that I saw how sick, disabled, and struggling several humans are in this world. That is where I found the desire to be a nurse.

In order to fulfill this dream, I had to first decide the path to this stage. I applied and got accepted by Bunker Hill Community College and worked hard to reach my potential. While studying, I received a great opportunity to transfer credits to a highly recognized institute: Atlantic Union College. I studied four years and received my Bachelor in Arts degree in the specialization of biology. The skills, knowledge, and expertise I gained allowed me to inherit the skills to be a part of medicine and hospitalization. It was here where I got an active, inspiring role as a medical assistant at a hospital.

The more time I spent at work, the higher observations I gained of being a nurse. One patient really caught my eye while I was working one day at the hospital. The ...
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