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Preference for Nursing

Throughout life, a person quests for ultimate happiness and satisfaction, and lives in the world to accomplish his/her wishes and dreams; for a person nothing can be more satisfactory than witnessing those dreams to be fulfilled. However, that is only one aspect and definition of happiness, for some people helping and serving others can be ultimate generator of satisfaction and happiness. Fortunately, I believe that I belong to the later group, the ones who seek happiness in others' felicity and well being; and I personally believe this satisfaction can best be attained by joining a profession that solely involves serving, saving and bringing smiles on other people's faces. What better can it be than being a nurse?

My family plays a significant role in inducing such values in me. My parents have always taught me to help and serve others. Moreover, my sister belonged to the same profession which inspired me, as well. It can be said that since then I had the wish to become a nurse, and the opportunities that exist in this country did nothing less than consolidating my ambition to pursue in this field. I am well aware of the significance of the skills required in nursing; besides the basic medical knowhow, it requires direct team work, excellent communication skills, a humble attitude and most importantly, the ability to stay calm in tense situations. I personally believe that nursing is a gratifying profession, not only do you get to serve others but also play a significant role in easing their misery. Dealing with patients in a professional manner and keeping them calm when they are under stress is the prerequisite of nursing. I believe that I'm extremely good at this because of my skill to empathize with people, and the passion to get involved in the profession which will enable me to help others. There is no doubt that a doctor is the ultimate savior, but a nurse is a critical server, a nurse serves the patients right from diagnosis till he/she retains the health. Most importantly a nurse can create close and interactive relationship with a patient, unlike other doctors (O'Brien, 2010).

I am tremendously glad to be able to share the faces of my personality, which are not evident from my academic record. Without any doubt, it is an exigent and demanding career, and I believe that the return would be ...
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