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The development of scientific and technology that occurred during this century in the field of health has a duty progress and development in nursing science, art, and technology and became nursing theories and concepts of special and separate theories and other concepts, and through the theories of nursing various used several definitions of nursing, among them the following definition: (Bowcutt, & Goolsby, 2006)

Nursing science and art concerned with the individual as a whole - body, mind and spirit - and works to provide and maintain the individual spiritually, mentally and physically and help him to recover when he is sick and extends concern for the individual patient to his family, his community and this includes the care of its environment and provide health education through the instructions and the example (press association International Health)

In order to nurse her work best, they need a foundation of Medical Sciences and Social Commission for help in dealing with individuals or disabled as dealing with newborn babies, children, youth and the elderly so When the number of workers of the nursing care must be the requirements and duties of the health services available in the country and focus in the preparation of nurse at the institutes and schools of nursing as follows: (Bartels, 2005)

1. Health maintenance and promotion to higher levels.

2. Protection of the individual and the family of the disease including mother and child.

3. Care for the sick, the disabled and rehabilitation Avahathm to live and care for the elderly.

Body: Discussion and Analysis

The need to improve the effectiveness in the delivery of health care has led many authors to conduct studies on the quality of care. The health workforce plays an important role in strengthening of the health system.

However, this workforce must be adequate in number, competent and motivated.

Managed Care A system of health care that provides a comprehensive manner to help you stay healthy and treat when ill. The managed care services focus on primary care provider, who personally directs the attention it gives you and help you keep well. In United States from the creation of the Single Health System principles that sustain it are designed to ensure the satisfaction of patients and relatives, so it has been a systematic quality control of services, which in turn has led to changes in the services themselves, teaching and research activities. In the health care team of nursing staff remains the closest connection with patients and their interrelationship with all subsystems care units. It is of great importance for their participation in the proposed objectives on quality of care. (Garcimartín, 2009)

Quality control in nursing records

Nursing records are a major source of information concerning the status of the patients admitted to intensive care units. Despite its importance, it is not always a written record of such information. Nursing records related to medical therapy had significantly higher completion records of activities of nursing the nursing records, which inform us about the serious condition of the patient are very good level of ...
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