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Thesis Statement

“Nursing as a whole range of health services is associated with disease prevention, health promotion, treatment and rehabilitation”


The nurse refers to the person, usually female, who brings comfort in times of painful illness. The nurse is also the one that makes the link between the doctors and the patients.

Discussion and Analysis

The nurses are trying to assert a special status as part of caregivers. In 1978, a proper role nurse is defined and a number of tools will complement the approach to the nurse some autonomy in professional practice, that is to say able to implement actions do not require a prescription.

Nursing and Public Health

The Public Health Nurse is different from the nurse not only by the type of approach, for the first group, the second individual but also for its representation of the rights and health. The nature of their activities will therefore be based on different concepts and place the person in the devices will be modified.

It seems difficult that the nurse specializing in public health as it does for surgical techniques or childcare. The formation of the public health nurse should allow him to apprehend the man and his health so truly global with specific tools and methods of differentiated care.

Improving the health of the population is the goal of the department or ministry of health in every nation. In recent years, policy discussions about how to achieve this goal has been expanded to include the issue of essential public health functions or the essential public health services as the foundation that will achieve goals concrete. The health policy makers have understood that without appropriate infrastructure as required to provide these services, no administration can move forward efficiently toward the improvement of health for all. While treatments for specific diseases and efforts to minimize individual risks can be provided successfully one by one, there may be sustainable without organized public health structure. Moreover, the needs of a city, region or a nation will change over time (Boschma 2003).

Types of Prevention

In recent years, medicine is not only concerned with the study and treatment of diseases, but also favored its prevention.

Preventive Medicine: Primary Prevention

It is a science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting physical and mental health. The personal hygiene and proper nutrition, adequate distribution of leisure and recreational activities and good rest are pillars of primary prevention. Personal hygiene and oral hygiene, installed as a habit from an early age is crucial to prevent possible diseases. The natural environment is the best place to practice outdoor activities like hiking, camping, games and sports.

Care Medicine: Secondary Prevention

Ensuring early diagnosis and timely treatment can interrupt the progression of the disease and prevent the risks of complications or death. It consists, then, efficient methods of diagnosis, tests that cover a wide spectrum of possibilities, and allow the doctor access to the identification of noxa: clinical, radiographic, laboratory analysis, consultations with specialists, etc. Early diagnosis is to prevent the spread of the disease ...
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