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Registered Nurse is the designation given to an individual who is licensed to practice professional nursing, holds ultimate responsibility for direct and indirect nursing care, is a graduate of an approved school for professional nursing, and is currently licensed as a Registered Nurse pursuant to M.G.L. c. 112. Included in such responsibility are providing nursing care, health maintenance, teaching, counseling, planning and restoration for optimal functioning and comfort, of those they serve.

A registered nurse shall bear full and ultimate responsibility for the quality of nursing care she/he provides to individuals and groups. Included in such responsibility is health maintenance, teaching, counseling, collaborative planning and restoration of optimal functioning and comfort or for the dignified death of those they serve. A registered nurse, within the parameters of his/her generic and continuing education and experience, may delegate nursing activities to ther registered nurses and/or health care personnel, provided, that the delegating registered nurse shall bear full and ultimate responsibility for:

making an appropriate assignment;

properly and adequately teaching, directing and supervising the delegatee; and

the outcomes of that delegation. A registered nurse shall act, within his/her generic and continuing education and experience to:

systematically assess health status of individuals and groups and record the related health data;

analyze and interpret said recorded data; and make informed judgments therefrom as to the specific problems and elements of nursing care mandated by a particular situation;

plan and implement nursing intervention which includes all appropriate elements of nursing care, prescribed medical or other therapeutic regimens mandated by the particular situation, scientific principles, recent advancements and current knowledge in the field;

New Jersey

     The Compact has been codified as a part of the New Jersey Nurse Practice Act. The Compact presents for reciprocity of licensure and disciplinary outcome amidst the diverse states that are constituents of the Compact. Implementation of the Compact is pending ...
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