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The Meta paradigm of nursing is the statement or group of nursing that identifies occurrence that includes a series of assumptions based on psychology and it also guides the approach for the assumptions. There are four interrelated central ideas that are situation, person, health and nursing. These Meta paradigm serves for strengthen the entire field of the nursing profession.


There is diversity in human being all around the world that makes up families, communities, groups and associations. Human being are the are part of the framework of nursing practices because nursing is actually based on the people and their medical issues.

This paradigm mentioned to the one by one as a patient, but a subject, actually an individual in the full sense of the world. It is an integrated and composed of internal physical, social, and psychological nature with various degrees for the ability of self care. It is a real unity whose parts attain the perfection through differentiation during the development process. People have the capability to symbolize, reflect, and use the symbols (Callister, 2005).


Health varies throughout the life span of a person. The holistic views of health include rest, skills coping, exercises, relationship quality, and several other factor. Nurses can create awareness in people about health.

Health is not actually an absolute thought, but it exists in the context of the difficulties of medicinal of an individual. Nurses can make people aware for their consciousness for health and also ways to remain healthy.


The situation has a direct effect on individual because when a person goes to school, works or anywhere in an environment, these places influence personal experience that includes environment.

Nursing are capable and responsible for the healthy environment. For instance, the Maslow's hierarchy of needs is applied as the situation where people lives ...
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