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Gibbs Reflective Model

Gibbs Reflective Model

Using Gibbs Reflective Model (1988), I will reflect upon my experience in Drug Administration lab session and I will point out the relevant link of the theoretical science in clinical practice according to the intramuscular injection technique. My study will focus on the learning that supports clinical practice along with evidences to support my study. My action plan will take into account the learning opportunities and further developing skills.

This essay broadens my thoughts regarding the importance of reflection in a clinical practice situation; it is an integral part of the requirements for nurses to constantly update their professional skills and ensure their professional development (Burns & Bulman, 2000, pp.1009-1017). Reflection is an important element for nurses in order to provide a high quality care to the best of their ability to clients, their family, and their carers (Burton, 1992).

There are six key components of the Gibb's Reflective Model; the first key involves description of events. Before attending the Lab Session, I had completed the preparatory work including questions and background reading. In the lab session, I have implemented the intramuscular injection technique on a mannequin as a patient. Firstly, I washed my hands thoroughly with soap and hot water, put on gloves to ensure hand hygiene and infection control. Secondly, I checked the patient's prescription followed by the selecting and checking the medication. I gathered the necessary equipments including medication, alcohol swaps, gauze, sterile syringe, and two sterile needles (one for withdrawing the medication, and one for injecting the medication). I have checked the validity date on each item.

I prepared the injection in a clean tray, and changed the syringe's needle with a new one. Before administering the medication, I explained the complete procedure to the patient, too his verbal consent, and checked the 5 rights. He was placed comfortably on bed along with appropriate site which is called Dorsogluteal injection site. I removed the needle guard and stretched the skin around the injection site. Then, I quickly inserted the needle into the skin at a 90 angle until 1cm of the needle was shown. I drew back the syringe plunger and no blood was aspirated and injected the drug slowly. I waited for 10 seconds and then withdrew the needle quickly. After administering the medication, I documented everything in the prescription chart. I disposed off the equipments that were used appropriately. I washed my hands and monitored the medication's effect on the patient.

I was prepared for the lab session as I had a previous experience regarding medication administration and completed the preparatory work. I knew that the tutor was observing us and guiding us for the best and safe technique. Therefore, I was comfortable, confident and excited as I was looking forward to learn a new technique.

I did not experience any difficulty in applying Intramuscular injection technique on mannequin as there was no pressure on me, the patient was not feeling any pain at all and I had done this ...
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