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An honor system or honor code is a collection of ethical principles or ethical rules for a community which is based on principles and standards that represent an honorable behavior within a certain community. People who breach the honor code or honor system can be subject to several punishments, like exclusion from institution. In this case the deontological ethics play a vital role in binding a person to its duty. Deontology is referred to as obligation or duty or rule base ethics.

The profession of nursing is one of the delicate and sensitive professions which need a lot of dedication and honesty. Academic integrity is highly required in the profession of nursing. Some researches and studies show academic dishonesty is least common in the profession of nursing as compared to other professions. Unfortunately some other researches and surveys indicate that academic dishonesty is observed in the field of nursing, which has severe implications.


Trust plays a very important and vital role in the association between the healthcare consumers and nurses. Therefore it is assumed that nurses will maintain their professional integrity and morality and act ethically throughout their professional life. The students of nursing are always bound to code of ethics, in order become successful professional nurse practitioners. Therefore, it is concluded that academic dishonesty in the field of nursing becomes a big question for the professional integrity and honesty of nurses (Utley, 2010).

Part 1

In the video (PVU, 2003), Maggie is turning in Henry for cheating. Maggie has found Henry cheating in his medical course examinations. If Maggie complains about Henry, he could lose his medical practicing privileges for life. As such Henry has breached the institutional polices and committed Academic dishonesty. According to Henry he committed the illegal act because he needed higher grades. Further, Henry has also breached the Deontology ethics and honor code ethics of his profession.

Henry violated the deontology ethics and went against the notion and principle of Utilitarianism. Utilitarianism refers to the reductionist behavior of ethics. The committed illegal act can potentially leave a bad impact on their aspired profession of nursing. Further, Henry's former girlfriend was inclined to believe that Henry is dishonest in his practices. So, cheating in exams was nothing different from his past behaviors. Maggie's practices can be discussed over the concepts of the ethical virtues that are linked with the emphasis over the individual character's role as well as the virtues of the individual character that are used for ethical behavior evaluations. It can be said that Henry and Maggie were both a part of an unethical academic behavior that was to cheat in the exam. Henry and Maggie's behavior can therefore be judged through the Utilitarianism. Some of the chief factors that dictated Henry's misconduct included: competitive mindset, less hard working practices, family pressures specifically from mother and achieving good grades. However his confrontation of his problem demonstrated his intrinsic need to obtain utilitarianism. This behavior also surprised Henry's girlfriend. It is often observed that the academic dishonesty of ...
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