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discusing the differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-degree level versus the baccalaureat-degree level in nursing.

discusing the differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-degree level versus the baccalaureat-degree level in nursing.

v Introduction

Associate level and bachelor level nursing practices vary quite largely, with the work ethic being quite distinctive in each. There are several differences between the two levels, some of which will be explored in this paper. The licensed nurses are known to work under the practices of bachelor level nurses, while associate level nurses often work side by side with the bachelor level nurses. Both of these lvels however come under the authority of bnurses holding masters degrees. The difference between the two is basically the authority they have in administering medicine, as well as different practices and performance levels of the two.


Most health care professionals often come across barriers when dealing with some or all of the above, and these barriers could alter the relationship between professional and patient since there may be hostility or even shyness developing on one side. Barriers could include speech impediments due to certain types of disabilities or illnesses. For example, Dementia is an illness that renders a patient speechless, as well as strokes that may cause slurs in the speech of a patient. Deafness may also affect severely the manner, in which an individual communicates, as well as poor sight, noisy environment or other bodily illnesses. If a patient is based out of a noisy background, they will often face hearing and communication barriers when talking to peers or professionals. This is because loud noises may affect the hearing in people since the mechanisms inside the ear are especially sensitive and fragile. Another barrier in communication may be that an individual has poor cognitive skills, for example, some learning disabilities cause an individual to confuse words and letters as well as sounds, and they may feel that they are losing the easiness with which they communicated before. Verbal difference is an obvious barrier, i.e., when an individual speaks another language rather than the one majority speaks, they may have intense communication problems that would lead to frustration and anger. If a professional is working with a particular individual who suffers from dementia, there could be several difficulties that could be faced especially as the disease gradually progresses and inevitably, worsens.

The difference among associate and bachelor level ...
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