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Management Skills and Fundamentals of Newly Qualified Staff Nurse

Management Skills and Fundamentals of Newly Qualified Staff Nurse


The study relates to management skills of nursing which particularly focuses on the fundamentals of nursing during the first 12 weeks as a Newly Qualified Staff Nurse. In this context, it is important to consider that the health services, particularly hospitals, which traditionally look to fit new models coming from industry, have sought to incorporate these new trends. Thus, new management tools such as the balanced score-card, the management of knowledge, information and skills, leadership coach, business units, is rapidly being introduced in hospitals, changing the landscape of this administration prior models often relegated to little empirical and professionalized.

In this context of constant change, the required profile of the people has changed, since companies need workers who can respond quickly to them. So, to adapt to new situations, be flexible and able to relationships, take on challenges, among others, seem to be essential prerequisites to the manager in the new millennium. The nurse as manager of nursing in their daily practice, this requires adequate preparation to the current moment. Thus contribute to the discussion of the managerial competencies of nurses, through the analysis of some of these aspects is the goal of this work.

Importance of developing Management Skills for nurses

The nurse manager in their practice of the hospital, primary care and integrated care facilities and assesses the needs of users and organizes the answers you need in accordance with the principles of scientific management and nursing. The nurse as a leader in the unit/ department is responsible for the management of human resources (nurses and auxiliary) assigned to him, and takes over the management of material resources and equipment that are available for the care/ treatment of users. Ensures excellence in the practice of nursing, the conditions for the exercise competent and effective responses to the complex needs of all the contexts in which users are and where nurses exercise. This nurse must master skills in the area of ??management ranging from inventory management/ pharmacy to conflict management and human resources (often insufficient) to the identified needs. Because on it rests the responsibility, to assume patient safety as its fundamental purpose, a commitment to the citizens respecting him as a person, as a citizen (Brodsky & Dijk, 2008, 187).

Functions associated with Management performed by Nurses

It is necessary to clarify that the nurses are active in the three levels of management that include operational, strategic and intermediate, so all the functions associated with management are developed (or can be developed) for Nurses. This caveat relates to the continued but steady removal of Nurses of decision centers in organizations. For example the Regional Health Administrations (RHA), which currently Nurses were completely removed from the top management, with the exception of the RHA North, which is simply unacceptable in any health care system that is desired convener of knowledge and enhancer a vision of the responses focused on users and not in (some) ...
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