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Person-Centered Practice

Person-Centered Practice


Health care centers are a very significant part of the society. They help in improving the standard of living of the individuals, which ultimately provides a fresher and much healthier society. The services of health care centers mainly include diagnosing, treating, and preventing the individuals from a range of diseases, injuries, and illnesses. The role of health care centers has been increased to a greater extent since past couple of decades. This is due to the fact that people these days have been very much health conscious and keen on improving their living standards than they were before.

The increased expectation from the people is also due to the impact of technological advancements and innovation in the field of medical and health care. The technological advancements have not only helped in improving the performance of health care sector, but it also makes the role of health care givers much demanding one (Nolan,, 2004).

With the passage of time and innovations in the industry, the role of people and their relatives have also become much more evident. Families have started to get involved in the process of providing care to the individuals. Health care centers also appreciate and encourage the involvement of relatives in the process (Price, 2006). Not only they encourage the involvement of the relatives, but also integrate all the stakeholders in the process, in order to provide quality services to the individuals. In this contemporary world, the aim of health care centers is to adopt a person-centered practice in order to address the health issues of the society.

This paper is based on providing an in-depth knowledge about the person-centered practices adopted by the health care centers. It will also draw attention towards the approaches that can be adopted for pursuing the person-centered practices. In addition to that, the paper will also provide the benefits associated with the person-centered approach. Lastly, it will also highlight the drivers and barriers that influence in implementing this approach.

Person-Centered Practice in a Health Care Setting

Being a residential manager in a health care center, it is my responsibility to manage the staff in such a manner that can maximize the output, while also not compromise in the quality of the service that is being provided to the people. The role of managing the health care setting has become much more significant in these days to provide the care services to the society. This not only includes providing care to the people, but also preventing them from the diseases they might have to face. My roles and responsibilities not only include ensuring that a quality care service is being provided to the people, but it also includes managing my staff, which is also known as support workers.

Our health care center is also very much focused on adopting the person-centered practices, as our belief is that if people will be given the priority, our standards of services will ultimately increase. The recent theories in the health care industry lead in developing the concept of self-care while ...
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