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Nursing Leadership

Nursing Leadership


I have been appointed to lead a portfolio group at the work place. This group will be integrating innovative changes into my ward that will improve patient care and is evidence-based. As the leader of this group, I am required to understand the process of change in relation to evidence-based practice , understand resistance to change and strategies for meeting resistance and understand quality improvement and assessment.


Understand The Process Of Change In Relation To Evidence-Based Practice

What Evidenced-Based Practice Is And How It Relates To Innovation And Change

The evidence-based practice (PFP) is the use of best available scientific research in the management of individual patients. Mainly used in medicine, the term "medicine based on proven facts" or "Evidence based medicine". In a method for teaching medicine, PFP has become a method to solve medical problems facing doctors in their daily practice. But when we consult the medical literature sites today, there are more published work by nurses and other caregivers. PFP or "Evidence based nursing" you might say, then, is a working method appropriate for any caregiver who wants to develop care research and improve professional practice (Kellerman

, 2008).

The Benefits Of Evidence-Based Practice

The benefit of this method, is through three sources which are indispensable:

The scientific source that corresponds to research data: the caregiver should consult the literature empirically to find answers to clinical problems and provide an appropriate response to the patient in order to improve the quality of care . Have knowledge about the problem but care is needed to understand the methodological rules for the assessment of the levels of evidence is to correctly interpret literature on causation and impact of the problem carefully studied.

The source of the conditions for the exercise and experience of the practitioner (clinical experience): clinical experience must be based on a systematic analysis of clinical observations, reproducible and unbiased manner, avoiding any intuitive interpretation of the Information.

The third source is the patient decision-making should take into account the preferences of the patient and his entourage. These three sources underpinning the Evidence Based Nursing and will allow later decide thoughtfully taking into account ethical considerations, recommendations, new knowledge of the practitioner (Hoddeson & Daitch, 2002).

Strategies For Building An Evidence-Based Practice Culture In Your Organisation

It is essential that nurses have a strong background in quantitative and qualitative research, critical assessment and research reported in the preparation of reports of systematic reviews. It also adds required form and EBE groups interested in having the organization and management services enable their development through budget and access to library databases.

in their research found and prioritized ten strategies for implementation of EBE, among which the most important are the support of management, time, peer support, personal motivation, access to the recommendations and education and training of nurses(Vivar, 2006).

It is clear that most effectively accomplished in care is directly related to the decrease in the costs of health care. Try this cost-effectiveness of a nursing intervention is required to convince the authorities to allow improving ...
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