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Assessment and Therapeutic Care Management of the Adult Patients

Assessment and Therapeutic Care Management of the Adult Patients


The individuals who need continuous care have inter-related social and health care requirements; this statement is mainly for the elderly people. The challenges faced by the nurses in nursing elderly people are of great importance. The elderly nursing needs ample time, care and emotional attachment with them. Clinical judgment tool is used by the nurses to enable the elderly people to maintain, improve, to recover health, to achieve the finest possible life quality and to cope with health issues, regardless of the disease or disability they are facing until death arrives. Nurses work in coordination with patients, their carers and family. At some places they would be found leading the team, delegating, supervising and prescribing medicines and in some places they would be working under the leadership of others, but the important thing is this that they are always found professionally and personally accountable for their own acts and decisions. The history of nursing dates back to 1830s when nursing was not being respected as a profession and socially unsound women used to enter this activity without any education background or knowledge whatsoever ( Kersting, 2001, pp.80). It was Florence Nightingale, “the lady of the lamp”, who was first recognized as a nurse in the 19th century and known far and wide now as the founder of nursing. Her contributions to nursing patients emerged during the 1854's Crimean war where she selflessly provided care to the injured soldiers and inhabitants. She was the one who emphasized upon the education and training needs of these nurses, highlighting its paramount importance.

It is often stated that while a doctor treats a disease, a nurse treats the patient. A nurse is the first person a patient refers to, when pressing health needs arise. He/she is there to comfort and to console while the patient strives for health, away from the loving shelter of his home. It is a nurse who comes in first, of all. Respiratory failures and cardiac arrests can be the familiar examples. Hence the importance of nursing as a profession can certainly not be doubted. It essentially requires training and education for effective management of this significant role of nursing at hospitals (Clark et al., 2001, pp.78).


Nursing Assessment Process

The first stage in the nursing process is Nursing Assessment, in which the nurse carries out a complete assessment of all the needs of patients, despite of any reason for the come across. Generally, an assessment framework is used for nursing assessment, which is based on standard nursing model.

In this stage nurse can identify the problems of the patient related to nursing. Those problems are articulated as either potential or actual in respect of patient. Like for example, a patient who got impaired skin integrity related to immobility due to a road traffic mishap.

Nursing history

By going through the nursing history before the actual physical examination of the patient helps a nurse to maintain a link ...
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