Nurses Perceptions Of Handover

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Nurses Perceptions of Handover



The process of nurse to nurse handover is not something that is taught during the formal training given to the nurses. However, it still is considered as one of the most significant rituals of the nursing shift. Handover refers to the process of the information transfer from one layer that is the donor, to the other layer of the team that is the acquiring inside an inpatient facility or it could even be on an outpatient basis. It is the responsibility of the nurse to regularly (at least once a day) at a specified time convey the following employees a complete picture of all relevant circumstances relating to the patient, their environment and the entire work area. So, the main goal of the process of handover is to provide the following partner with a complete overview of the entire workspace for the new beginning of the station group teams. The process of nurse to nurse handover plays an immensely important role in assuring that the patient is provided with adequate treatment inside the healthcare facility, and a good floe of information between different groups of care provider enable them to understand the current state of the patient and then according to that the doctor and the nurses can take ample measures for providing treatment facility to the patient. Information sharing and coordination is considered to be an immensely important process in the field of nursing, and it is considered to be a structural component of the health care (Chaboyer, 2010).

It contains the written formulation of the entire nursing process, the aims and objectives of the services provided to the user, based on the identified needs and diagnoses derived from these. Evaluates the residual capacity of the individual and establishes the activities necessary to achieve the objectives set, expressed in terms of expected results. Must be drafted in a clear, flexible, and well-defined, must consider the human and material resources available and should include criteria to assess the effectiveness of the intervention (outcome indicators). Apply the scientific method to solve problems (problem solving) and uses as a database starting the history of nursing. Graphically can be summarized in four "pillars": Nursing Diagnosis (or problem related to the need), Objective (expected result in the short, medium or long term, with the adoption of outcome indicators), Intervention (related to the problem and made ??dependent on 'objective, planned activities in the individual and at the time of execution) and Verification (analysis of performance indicators and eventual return to the previous steps, with the revaluation of the objectives and actions). In some areas, such as the emergency room (where the speed of action is essential to ensure the health of users itself), or as the specialist clinic (where the user only parked for a few minutes), the possibility of establishing a care plan with its history is absolutely out of the question. However, a team that operates in these areas can use standardized care plans, which although not ...
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