Nurse Theorist

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Nurse Theorist - The Three C's of Lydia Hall

Nurse Theorist - The Three C's of Lydia Hall


The purpose of this paper is to identify a nurse theorist relevant to your nursing practice and delineate a personally experienced clinical scenario from the recent practice. This will be followed by a correlation and identification of a nursing theory that fits to the clinical situation. The paper will come to a concluding note by defining the benefits of utilizing a nursing theory. For this purpose, the three C's of Lydia Hall have been selected.

The Three C's of Lydia Hall

Lydia Hall's three C's are core, care and cure. Each of these three is deeply interlinked and they function with reliance upon each other (Basavanthappa, 2004). According to Lydia Hall, ignorance of any one of the three C's can be expected to lead to a failure in the fundamental objectives of nursing practice. Before delving into the theory, it is imperative to begin by noting that each of these three are essentially independent, but it is the effect of the approach that is exercised towards each element that is inter-connected.

The patient is considered to be present at the core of this theoretical model. The goals and priorities of the core are independent. The objective of the nursing practice is to provide healthcare services to the individual present at the core of the model. Depending on his/her value system, the preferences and perceptions exercised by the subject may vary (Basavanthappa, 2007). This is followed by the second element of the model: the cure. The care is the treatment given to the individual present at the core. The care is present in the form of the attention and consideration that is given to the needs of the patient. Unlike the core, the care involves the role of multiple individuals - all of whom are tasked with the provision of healthcare services to the patient (located at the core of the model) (Meleis, 2012). The practices of these individuals are referred to as the cure. The cure of the model is the treatment that is given to the patient by the healthcare professionals. It is an identification of the essential objective behind the entire exercise.

Delineation of a Clinical Scenario

In the last month, there was an elderly patient Mrs. X admitted for the sake of cancer treatment. She had Stage I cancer and had remained a regular patient in the hospital on account of her history of diabetes complications. The patient was briefed and her admission into the hospital went without a hitch. The hospital had had Stage I cancer patients in the past and it was considered to be a standard run. The local residents were fully aware of Mrs. X's medical history and Mrs. X was also comfortable with her doctors and the treatment. One month into the treatment, tests revealed that the cancer had moved on to become Stage II cancer.

The progression of the cancer from a Localized to a Late Locally Advanced level sent ...
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