Nurse Managers Orientation Program

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Nurse Managers Orientation Program

Name o institution]Nurse Managers Orientation Program

Management Orientation Proposal

The major aim of this paper is to present a proposal for the development of a new manager orientation program. The health care system is in a state of continuous development, and with the current modernizations, the nursing profession has emerged to develop and advanced rapidly. The increment in the demand of the quality services provided by these professionals has become a necessity. It is therefore essential that this profession is led by competitive leaders that hold the key responsibility of managing the profession in accordance with the needs of the population.

The American sentinel university understands this need, and, therefore, has developed a program to train the new nurse manager, who want serve as leaders and add to the dignity and quality of the profession. By holding the title of “nurse manager”, the nursing professional's makes a promise fulfill the responsibilities as managers, in terms of proper decision making, recruitment and supervising of the other nursing staff (Andrews, Wallis, 1999). This two months program will help to improve the efficiency of these professionals, by polishing their skills as nursing experts, and help them to direct effectively, the bleeding edge medical attendants while helping a conglomeration's triumph. By the end of this orientation, the new nursing managers will be able to analyze their position and understand their key responsibilities in a better manner.

Management Orientation Program

This management orientation program is designed in a specialized way to provide the new nursing managers with a complete guideline regarding their duties in the organization and how can they become beneficial for the organization as well as the health care system. The American sentinel university has worked from over a decade in providing the best knowledge and training the professionals of various fields. This program is designed in a specialized manner to meet the needs and demands of the nursing managers and is capable of answering their questions concerning their profession. The program is designed on the framework of modern needs of the health care system, in response to the changing health care demands o the patients and a vast variety of disease emergence.

The development of this orientation plan holds the key reason of providing the nursing managers with a guideline for their future working. A proper orientation program can help to provide the professionals with an understanding of the organization before they start working there, and to build professional relationships within the organization of the institution. A common misconception with most of the organizations and institutions so that they have their major focus on the training and learning of the staff, while the managing personnel are left unnoticed, as they are expected to perform well from day one. This is an unrealistic approach which has to be finished through orientation programs for the new nurse managers (Hawkins, Carter, Nugent, 2009).

Nurse Management Program (NMU)

In the current era, the nurse manager is essentially a leader and a guide within the guide. The nursing manager is not only ...
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