Nurse Manager Strategist

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Nurse Manager Strategist

Nurse Manager Strategist


Nurses have a very essential role to play in any hospital or clinic facility. This is because nurses do not just perform the various big or small clinical tasks. However, in addition, the nurses also have to communicate very regular with the patients and their families regarding the disease. Interaction with a number of individuals on daily basis can always result in occasional conflicts. However, it is only up to the nurses to ensure that the conflict is managed with wisdom and strategy (Wenger, Solomon, Roth, et al. 2003).

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The nursing manager must play an important role in dealing with the patient. All the strategies of management that includes accommodating, collaborating and competing at that time must be designed and appropriately managed in order to achieve best results. The planning can be categorized in to four areas that include the clinical area or hospital, availability of the necessary devices and equipments, the treatment procedures and the educated and well-trained staff and personnel. The implementation phase will involve utilizing and optimizing all the available resources to form an infrastructure that caters effectively all the four areas. The evaluation phase is the last and life long process that needs to be practiced constantly in order to improve the overall standards of patient care (Marquis and Huston, 2012).

There is a number of practices exercised everyday in the field of medical for ensuring useful and effective patient practices. However, the evolvement of the new practices and the development of the existing practices are other important aspects in the field. Be it the areas of education, medicine, management and practice, the room and need for constant improvement is necessary for all these disciplines. The development in the other fields associated with medicine also encourages the need of enhancement of ...