Nurse Health Care - Qui Tam

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Nurse Health Care - Qui Tam



In United States of America there are so many hospitals. The health care industry in USA is huge. There are multiple doctors, physicians, surgeons, nurses and paramedical staffs are working under USA's health care industry. There are cases where some of the health care organizations have not provided the proper services to the patients. At places, patients were charged for those tests and check-ups which were not even performed by the hospitals. In order to avoid such malfunctioning and illegal practices there is a process with the help of which an individual can file a case against the organization's ill practices on behalf of government. This is known as Qui Tam. These are the legal claims which are filed because of fraudulent activities performed by different organizations. There are so many cases which have been filed against different organizations including health care organizations as well. Different kinds of ill practices are observed in the health care industry. These ill practices can be overcome by vigilance. There are so many tools and techniques with the help of which one can lessen these kinds of ill practicing which are performed by doctors and accountants etc. Citizens must take every wrongful deed in to consideration of the state's government in order to eliminate such practices.


Q1:Evaluate how Healthcare Qui Tam affects health care organizations?

There are different organizations which are back by governments for the facilitation of the individuals. Educational institutes, hospitals and welfare centers are common examples of such organizations. There are times when an organization which is either backed by governmental funding or privately owned, does not provide proper services or better say right services to the individuals. On the contrary there are also scenarios where an organization charges an individual for the services which were not even availed by the individual. This comes under ill practicing. This can also be defined as an act of not providing services or products to a person but charging for it.

Qui tam cases are the legal claims which are filed by people on behalf of the government of the state in order to fight against the ill practicing or fraudulent acts. Once the lawsuits are filed different questions are asked to the individuals on the basis of practices. Qui Tam Cases are taken into serious considerations by the individuals (Myers, C. W., 2009). Even in health care sector such things can happen. There are different departments where ill practicing can take place. These departments can also include obstetric department. Different measures can be adopted in order to keep a closer eye on the ill practicing in health care organizations. It is of severe offense if a law firm files a law suit against any health care organization. The particular organization can face bad reputation and in result can also lose its reliability in the eyes of the patients and health care fraternity.

There are so many adversities which can be faced by a health care ...