Nurse Associations

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Nurse Associations

Nurse Associations


The world of medicine is very dynamic and is changing every minute. The development and the advancement in the technology are bringing a huge change in the field of medicine. From the initial emergence of the health care field, there has been an a continuous evolution and development, many treatments of diseases have been determined that were considered as untreatable. The health industry has flourished as new and advanced technologies are being introduced for the betterment of the individuals' health and wellbeing. With the advancement of the health care, the profession of nursing has also come a long way as compared to what it was a century ago. There are numerous nurses association that have emerged in the past decade that have ensure the better education and training of the nurses.

Chosen Association

The nursing association selected is National Student Nurses' Association which is one of the most famous specialty nursing organizations considering it is a non profit organization. It was founded in the year of 1952 and is said to be a source of mentorship to the students of nursing who are providing training to the nurses for acquiring licensure in te form of registered nurse. In the year of 2011, there were nearly 58,000members of the association and they have been caring for acutely and critically ill patients (NSNA, 2012). The main aim of the association is to provide the members with the relevant resources and knowledge which is essential for promotion of professional development

Name: National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA)


Major Contribution made by the Association

The National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA) presented an idea of devising a framework that enables nurses to develop their skills. National Student Nurses' Association consists of board of directors and they entail a total of ten nursing students who are said to be elected at the Annual Convention of the organization. There are also non-voting consultants totaling two in number who are said to be appointed by the ANA which is the American Nursing Association as well as the National League of Nurses so that proper guidance can be given to the students. In order to ensure the fact that the premise of the entity is served in a manner that is effective and efficient, NSNA ensures the fact that it has full time staff so that whenever there is a problem faced by the students there is always help available. Currently there have been a total of three thousand nursing students who are participating in the Annual convention of NSNA that enlightens the students and builds up their competency in terms of conducting activities that can aid in understanding leadership development as well as activities that are inclined towards the development of career. They also have the opportunity of being enlightened about nursing leaders who are said to be renowned and internationally recognized. The seminars conducted by NSNA that enlightens students about job opportunities and at the same time have an opportunity to have a strong network developed with other ...
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