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What makes a Good Nurse

What makes a Good Nurse


Nurses are the educators and providers of health care. Their principal duty is to take care of the patients and provide them with maximum health care and safety. According to the RBNA (Royal British Nurses Association), the profession of nursing is to provide services for the humanity, care for the people through providing them with help and support services for the cure of their problem and help the doctors when they are doing any operation or diagnosis.

Nurses work in almost each phase of life that one can imagine. People think of nurses as only supporting and taking care of ill patients in hospitals. Certainly the nurse is still significantly important in the function of every hospital; she is involved in a number of other businesses as well. Nurses work in schools, clinics, insurance companies, corporations, prisons and in the homes of their patients amongst several other settings. In some way, nurses are involved in almost every possible setting, and assist individuals in maintaining their health or recover from sickness.

There are a number of lists of attributes stated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council regarding the characteristics a nurse should have in order to be considered as good in her professional field. This paper will discuss the abilities and characteristics which makes a good nurse. This might include responsibility, communication, commitment and care.


Nursing is the act, which is performed to protect, promote and optimize the health and skills required in the prevention from any injury or illness, the treatment of human response, which is done through diagnosis for the mitigation of suffering, and supporting the care of the society, families, and individuals (Timby, 2009).

When considering a career in nursing, the potential nurse should think if she has the needed characteristics and traits to be successful in the nursing profession. In order to be good, a nurse should be compassionate and kind even in the face of her patients who might not be very nice and gentle in return. She should have the ability to work independently with little or no direction from others. To be a good nurse also requires being capable of multi-tasking, often requires doing a number of things at once. Though there are a number of qualities that make up a good nurse, the few are discussed in this paper that should be of consideration (de Ruiter, & Demma, 2011).

Compassionate & Kind

Compassionate is described as the feeling of sympathy and concern for others. Every individual has a tendency to be compassionate and kind towards others in our everyday lives. The majority of individuals we meet are those at social gatherings or at work etc. But a nurse comes across individuals who are dealing with pain or distress, both mentally and physically. A good nurse needs to be compassionate and kind, even when the patient might not be in return (Von Dietze, & Orb, 2000).

Nurses are required to take care of patients and their families during the most unpleasant times ...
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