Np Process And Pepsi Next

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NP Process and Pepsi Next


Scope & Structural Approach1

Textbook's NP process2


Pepsi's Next NP process4






Pepsi Company is one of the most organizations that operate internationally. It serves as an exemplary firm for the new businesses in the market. They keep on bringing innovations in their products that helps them remain 'in' in the market. They were developed in 1893 and since then they have maintained the path of progress and advancement. However, in their journey of success hey had to face numerous challenges and failures. Pepsi Next is their new brand that has aimed to satisfy the needs of the consumers who want to have the real taste of cola but are also conscious about the intake of calories. The employees at the company have high commitment as their strategies are contemporary and tend to facilitate their employees' needs, development and growth. This book report aims to explore how the Pepsi Co. have launched and managed their new product, Pepsi Next in comparison to the book approach. The companies do not necessarily follow all the steps that students learn at universities. The actual picture is maybe different from what is mentioned in the books. Although the books try to give real time examples, the actual scenarios are still varied (Baker, 2008, pp.1-86).

Scope & Structural Approach

The market of U.S. gives more than $70 billion in the form of sales, although the volume declined in 2005. It indicated that the market is residing in its late maturity-early retrieval phase regarding the product cycle. This had influenced the water consumption of the water bottles and brought it to 10% of the beverage consumption. On the other hand, there are several sports drinks that indeed slightly challenged the market share of the company. There is a noticeable trend which is increasing with every other day, the trend in utilization of diet drinks. Today even the CSD or Carbonated Soft Drinks is in great demand with incorporation of diet CSD. Pepsi is behind Coke and Diet Coke and assumes less than 10% of the U.S. CSD share of the market.

The main target of the Pepsi Co. is to win back their customers who have switched their brand to Coke (Ferrell & Hartline, 2010, pp.81-93).

The researchers at Pepsi argued that many of their consumer shad issues with the consumption of sugar and carbohydrates. Those sugar-avoiders started consuming cola beverages. The structural preference of Pepsi has aimed at retrieving back those consumers. Coke has already launched Coke Zero, however, the conspiracies and other issues failed the product. Pepsi did not want to repeat the same mistakes by Coke. The best part of Pepsi lies in their persistent reliance on their consumers to test the product as it was in the process of making. Pepsi Next has to face competition from its own products like Pepsi Diet and Pepsi Max. The company had to differentiate their new product extensively from the rest. They clearly communicated their ingredients to let everyone know that the new product lies ...