Not Paying Taxes At The Irs

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Not Paying Taxes at the IRS

Not Paying Taxes at the IRS

In theory, is the new policy a good idea? Why or why not? Should the policy be rewritten to provide more clarification? Is it too draconian as written? What ethical theory or theories would support the new policy?

Of course, the new policy is a good idea in theory as it is based upon the rules and regulations on the phenomenon of equality and justice. The employees of the IRS are equally responsible for paying the taxes for the society as they enjoy equivalent rights as a citizen of the society. But, on the other hand, they owe a refund by IRS. For this very reason, the policy should not be put into practice for the IRS employees in order to retrieve taxes from them. The reason behind this is that the IRS is not in a position to claim money from their employees as they owe them a refund. However, if IRS wants their employees to be model citizens who pay their taxes on time they have to first clear themselves of the debt they owe to their employees. After that, they should devise a policy of tax paying for their employees that would give them ample of time and relaxation to pay taxes. The policy did not specify some major points as to what percentage of tax would the employees be charged with in order to pay it in time. Also, the policy should have given the employees ample time to think over their course of paying. As an employee at IRS, they should be given the leverage to determine the action plan that IRS should employ in order to lead them to fairness and justice on the part of IRS.

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