North Korean Refugees

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North Korean Refugees


The research paper clearly explains the process of repatriation. The ex relationship of China and North Korea is highlighted along with the foreign policies of China towards North Korea. The refugees of North Korea are taken for interrogative purpose if they are caught by the soldiers of China on the China-North Korean border. The defectors of North Korea move towards China because the basic rights of the North Korean population were not properly given. Other countries also consider the refugees as the illegal immigrants.


Thesis Statement3


People Agree Repatriation3


China And North Korea's Relationship In Respect to Repatriates3

Foreign Policies Devised By China For North Koreans4

Punishment For Getting Back To North Korea4

Reasons Why North Koreans Fled From Their Country5

Countries Dealing with Repatriation5

Critical Analysis On Repatriation5


Works Cited7

North Korean Refugees

Thesis Statement

"Countries should not arrest and repatriate North Koreans who have fled from their country”.


We are living within the framework of principles. However, this world is too complicated to solve everything with principles, sometimes we are on the boundary of principle and humanism. One of the most fundamental issues for human right activists is the repatriation of North Korean refugees. In this issue, there are foreign policies among the countries, but we need humanitarian perspective. North Koreans who have fled from their country should not be arrested and repatriate by countries.

People Agree Repatriation


The process of returning an individual back to one's place of citizenship or origin is known as repatriation. In this process, refuges or soldiers are returned back to their origin's place by following a war. This term could be a process by which, a foreign currency gets converted into the currency of an individual's own country.

China And North Korea's Relationship In Respect to Repatriates

North Korea's most important ally, main source of food, fuel, arms and biggest partner of trading is China. A 1,300 km border is being shared by China and North Korea. Because of the severe food crisis and depression in the country most of the North Korean people since the mid 1980s started to migrate or cross the border. In the latter phase of 90s, an approximate figure of 20 to 300 thousand North Korean refugees crossed the border towards China. However, in the early 2000s, the food crisis in North Korea improved because of the food aid and other assistances at the international level. The route of North Korean refugees by and large is to get to China and then fly to third countries.

It has been estimated by the State Department in 2007's survey that, North Korean refugees approximately 30,000 to 50,000 were currently living in China. However, other organizations at the non-governmental level give an estimate that number is bit closer to 300,000. They also believe that the refugees repatriated can face punishment which may range from a few months of labor correction to execution (Margesson,, p.2 -5). Those North Koreans who go to China in search of food, human right abuse and persecution often become the victims of more neglect, abuse and the lack of ...
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