Non St Elevation Myocardial Infarction

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Non St Elevation Myocardial Infarction


About the assignment

The world of medicine pertains to the service of humanity through appropriate healing processes. It encompasses of saving lives and assuring the survival of people. Modern advancement in science and technology has led the people to live in a comfortable, yet unhealthy lifestyle. Such a lifestyle that causes life-threatening diseases such as Cardio-vascular disease, that encompasses of disruption of the cardiac function of the individual. There are various diseases pertaining to the cardio-vascular disorders, amongst which one crucial disorder is known as Non ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI). The disorder straight leads to the heart attack where the state of heart is very disruptive; the reason behind the heart attack is usually the termination of blood supply to the heart. It is considered a condition of medical emergency (Subherwal et al. 2009, 1873 - 1882).

The condition of NTSEMI is defined as 'Myocardial infarction' in the medical terminology. The major reason behind the condition is basically caused by the termination or partial interruption of the blood supply to one component of the cardiac entity. The termination or interruption of the blood supply leads to the death of heart cells. The condition is basically caused by the blockage or chocking of the coronary artery. There are typical symptoms of acute myocardial infarction include a sudden chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, palpitations, anxiety and sweating. The patients undergo fatigue and indigestion, as well as, weakness (Subherwal et al. 2009, 1873 - 1882).

In the condition, the blood clot merely blocks the artery, and therefore, the blood supply is terminated to a portion of the heart. Considering the symptoms of 'Myocardial infarction', it requires same kind of treatment and nursing care as required for an unstable angina. Most of the cases are acute, and therefore, treated through reperfusion therapy, encompassing of percutaneous coronary intervention and medication. However, the patients are given different extents of treatment pertaining to the risk each patient has. The fundamental causes of myocardial infarction comprise of older age smoking, lower levels of high density of lipoprotein, high level of blood in certain lipids, diabetes, blood pressure, high blood pressure, obesity, chronic kidney disease, cholesterol, alcohol consumption, higher stress levels as well as, illicit drug consumption (Fox et al. 2005, 914 - 920).

The assignment is based upon the assessment of a case pertaining to a case of hospital admission of a patient who is 44. The assignment is based upon the intervention for NTSEMI, as well as, the course of treatment they pursued for the patient. The assignment finally looks into critical analysis of the course of treatment, and the summary of the entire procedure (Fox et al. 2005, 914 - 920).


Patients History

Medical Symptoms

A male patient was recently admitted to the hospital that was aging 45 years at the time when he was admitted to the hospital. The patient was admitted to the hospital in the acute ward as he was diagnosed with ...
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