Non Profit Organization

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Non profit organization

Non profit organization

Red Cross International

Red Cross (Red Cross), an international humanitarian and charitable organization, founded in 1864 on the initiative of the Swiss H. Dunant, in order to help wounded soldiers. It includes several organizations: the International Committee of the Red Cross, founded in Geneva in 1864, the International Federation of National Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Lion and Sun (the name since 1991, formerly League of Red Cross, founded in 1919 in Geneva), the National Association of the Red Cross.

The ICRC is composed exclusively of Swiss nationals, its symbol since 1980 is a red cross on a white background (the color changed Switzerland). It is an information center for prisoners, missing persons, intervenes in their cases, and provides assistance to victims of international conflicts, participates in developing new humanitarian conventions, may be a mediator. For his services received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1917, 1944 and 1963.

League of Red Cross brings together national organizations from around the world (appearing under the name of the Red Crescent in Muslim countries, the Red Lion in Iran, the Red Star in Israel). Its motto is per humanitatem ad pacem (by humanity for peace), the slogan adopted in 1961 at the Prague meeting - Conference Board of Commissioners. Its task is the development of National Red Cross, improving sanitation, health, population, social assistance.

The Mission

The primary mission of the organization and its society is to prevent and alleviate human suffering and protect human dignity, without any discrimination on gender, race, nationality, religious, or political beliefs. In fulfilling its mission, the Red Cross and Red Crescent takes particular tasks such as:

Protection of life and health,

Ensuring respect for human beings, especially in armed conflicts and other critical situations,

Work in prevention and social development,

Activating the work of volunteers and constant readiness to help,

Construction of a universal sense of solidarity with all those who need protection and assistance.

Basic Principles

Humanitarianism - humanity, protect life, health and respect for human dignity and human rights

Impartiality - assistance without discrimination to all parties to the conflict, first the most needy

Neutrality - no positions in disputes: the religious, racial, political, etc.

Independence - independence from the state within the law

Voluntary - membership in the organization is voluntary

Unity - in each country there is only one organization operating under the Red Cross or Red Crescent

Universality - all associations are equal, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement tries to be present throughout the world

Objectives of the organization

Care of wounded, sick and prisoners during the war,

Assistance to victims of natural disasters, accidents and epidemics during the peace,

Visits the camps for refugees and internees,

Care of refugees,

Is a source of information on prisoners,

Organizing courses of rescue, training paramedics,

The spread of education of health

Organizing blood donation.

How did you set up departmental goals and measurable objectives? How did you monitor progress towards the set objectives?

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Setting up goals and objectives, whether on an organizational level or personal level, are vital. Goals are the processes to follow and complete to reach the ...
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