The prevention programs are based on the global strategies and action programs of the WHO and in the activities of the European Union, because the issue of Non-Infectious diseases affects both the developed countries and the developing and emerging countries. Chronic diseases have become the basis of their impact on society and the economy into a major political issue. The non communicable diseases are also known as non infectious diseases which are chronic in nature. These diseases mostly affect the low income countries and have gained significant attention over the span o-f last decade. Non infectious diseases are equally important and carry immense significance in terms of prevention and control as compared to infectious diseases. The death rate is tremendously high in the case of non-infectious diseases as compared to infectious disease which can be cured with the help of antibiotics. Non-Infectious diseases include the HIV/AIDS. A research conducted in 2001 stated that the cause of death of 20% of the world's population which include majority in the Sub Saharan Desert. Cardiovascular diseases, injuries and cancer ranks among the top of non-infectious diseases. Non communicable diseases are rising at the rate of 10% from the past 20 years and to be specific from 1990. World Health Organization reported that out of 58 Million deaths which were reported in the year 2005 35 Million people died due to chronic diseases (Beaglehole, & Yach, p.904).
What are Non-Infectious diseases?
Non-Infectious diseases, a group of disorders associated with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and mental disorders are responsible for 86% of deaths and 77% of the disease burden in the WHO European Region. These health problems are largely preventable and share common risk factors and determinants, as well as joint action. A more equitable distribution of the benefits of effective interventions would make a significant health and economic gain for all Member States. The Regional Office for Europe in favor of a comprehensive approach to addressing the Non-Infectious diseases, the:
Health promotion and disease prevention for the entire population supports
active high-risk groups or individuals and aims to provide the population with maximizing effective treatment and care services and the
In tackling health inequalities systematically linked policies and actions together.
Such an approach requires an integrated and cross-section measure to control risk factors and their underlying determinants and thus linked efforts to strengthen health systems in terms of more effective prevention and control measures (Ghaffar et al, p 807).
Non-Infectious diseases
The Non-Infectious diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in the world constitute the main cause of death and account for a large proportion of health care costs. An unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking are the main risk factors for these diseases. With a healthy lifestyle can avoid more than half of these diseases. Cardiovascular diseases are progressing in the world. Myocardial infarction is the leading cause of death worldwide (6.5 million deaths per year), stroke is the second cause (4.38 million deaths per ...